I love conspiracy theories/theorists.
They'll argue and argue, until you hit them with solid fact - then they'll argue some more.
It's always been a case of a little knowledge, not a lot. Which ends up as more harm than good.
Every time I've argued with one of these people they have this technique. It's rather irritating. It's called the machine gun:
Them: 9-11 Was done by Bush lolz!111!!
Me: Explain why you think that
Them: The plain that flew into the pentagon was a miss-isle! Why was there a whole in the building without wings? And why was there no plain parts?! lolz!
Me: See the collapsed wall in this picture? That's where the plane hit.
The small hole you point out was made by the landing gear.
The wings broke off the plane due to it being a reinforced concrete building.
Here are some plane parts.
Them: That proves nothing... what about x
And that's how the conversation goes. For about 5 hours. Unless you have intricate knowledge on every aspect single of 9-11 you will lose. Because the second they say something you can't counter you get the famous: "aaaaaaaaah, now you see!" crap.
That said, Maddox said it best:
For some good moon landing debunking, read this: