Im not scared of spiders, but these would make me think twice about picking them up
Im not scared of spiders, but these would make me think twice about picking them up
This house is properly old and in the country. Sit in any room for an hour and I garuntee you'll see one big spider makes its way across the place.
I just leave them be, they keep the flying insect population down for me.
What i HAVE noticed no end of this year is bloody beatles in the house. Great source of amusement to the cats tho.
I've noticed the spiders that are usually in the garden attached to the extention on the back of the house are bigger this year. Maybe this is due to me feeding them daddy long-legs that I catch in the house, I dunno, but they don't bother me at all so let them get bigger - just as long as they stay timid and don't start attacking us all
Heh I can't stand the buggers, big or small they get squashed along with the mosquitos, gnats, flys and other bugs that find their evil way into my room. I'm sure that most of them dont come into my room on a mission to find and eat me but ever since I heard of some of them crawling into your mouth while your just scares me
Big ones tend to get the glass treatment first though as they are too fast to be splatted, or make too much of a mess. Into a glass and moved to a place where they can be dealt with
I have in the past caught some and kept them for a few days though..I remember getting 2 different types of spider, a big a$$sed garden one and a rather large house spider and putting them both in a jam jar (with air holes natch). They fought! and the house spider got eaten by the garden spider. That was a fun experiment totally ignoring the ethical implications ofc..
I don't kill anything (aside from small crawly things that I don't know what they are/look like they bite) moths, spiders I capture and put outside... my reasoning is.. they don't do anything to me so why kill it (+ spiders keep the fly numbers down).
We cannot choose what we are.. but what are we but the sum of our choices?
1 of the neighbours does have a yorkie terrier thats out all night yapping away spoiling my lounging in the garden with a few beersOriginally Posted by dangel
had a bit of a funny experience with a big old house spider about 2 weeks ago
i was sitting in my room on the comp with lights out (because the window was open, flies come in and do little fly craps everywhere at night if i dont turn the lights out)
anyway, i felt this weird like static electricity feeling in my hair (or thats what i thought it was) so i just left it but it didnt go away
half an hour later i reached up and brushed my hand through my hair...only to find there was a spider about the size of my palm on the top of my head!!!!!
it fell into my lap then ran off under the pc desk and i dont have a clue where it is now...i just wanna say hello
the pirate
Once, long ago in days gone by.....
I had two PCs set up on the floor of the study with a nice seriall link between the two having a game of DooM 2 Co-op.
There's my mate shouting "THERE'S A HUUUGGEEE SPIDER IN HERE"
"Hang on, i've just picked up the chaingun" I replied
"NO! A HUGE SPIDER" he said, sounding rather stressed
"Yeah, it's a mother aracnatron, got a plasma gun hasn't it"
"No, it's in this room and just walked over my foot!"
It dawned on me he was freeting about a spider that was all of an inch across. Some people really are wusses
we get all the best stuff in NI
I try and rescue them, but if they're being stupid about it, they get hoovered
Originally Posted by PrivatePyle
There’s something strange…
In the neighborhood…
who you gonna call?...
If there’s something weird…
That don’t look good…
Who you gonna call…
Kitty cat meoWWWW......ill take that kiss now...
I read about Buddhism....I understand the philosophy....I feel the need to harm no living thing....
Sigh, I wish I were a better person
I would sig that, but it's too large <3Originally Posted by MAS
I got one of those mahoossive barstewards in my bath today.
Largest 8 legged thing I've ever got in my house!
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