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Thread: Need Uni Advice Please :)

  1. #33
    Martian e-LAN-go's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke313
    I'm not sure whether Engineering would be a great choice, as a lot of Engineering consists of Mechanics and similar things to what are introduced in Physics A Level, which you say you've dropped.
    What type of engineering are you taking about?

    I'm doing Electronics & Computer Engineering for my degree and I can safely say I haven't done much mechanics.

    In the first year I did 2 modules that just basically covered A-Level Maths again but with more depth and it covered some material found in Further Maths.

    In the 2nd year I did Engineering Maths which was mostly statistics, fourier analysis, and matrices.

  2. #34
    Official Member luke313's Avatar
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    Engineering minus Electronics. Though same thing stands, if you don't enjoy Physics then I'm not sure you're going to enjoy electronics?

  3. #35
    not posting kempez's Avatar
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    I went to University College London and as for Social Life: I had London. THAT was SWEET

    Our Uni Halls of Residence were amazing (as most are I would think). The Uni Bar/Union was awesome. Many many drunken Nights out and shenanigans were had. University of London Union was round the corner - once again many shenanigans were had.

    But the thing that most struck me about my Uni life was just how awesome London was. Expensive yes: but awesome none-the-less. Now I've moved back down to home I miss it more than ever

    Oh and did I mention: UCL aint too bad Academically either
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  4. #36
    Gaarrrrr! Dav0s's Avatar
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    I have a logical mind, I suck at remembering formulas etc etc, which is the main reason I'm not doing as well in maths as I should. I spoke to my maths teacher today, and he thinks I am good enough to do it, also there is a UCAS convention in Bath on wednesday where I will get

    If i get an A this year I will most probably do an AS in further maths next year, there isnt really anyway I can get an A2 in it though. But if what people say is true, then past (pure/applied) maths knowledge isnt really necessary, just the ability to think mathematically?

    as for being interested in mechanics, have you considered doing mechanics maths modules at A2 level and also in some unis as part of the degree? My maths teacher recommended doing the mechanics module instead of decision/discrete

    As for which uni, as far as social life is concerned, exeter looks great, i took a look at the live music on in the union aswell, enough to away somebody's mind.

    Matt I'm stil considering UCL, but i'll talk to ya about it on msn

    Cheers for the continued advice guys, its really helping

  5. #37
    Poiny Member
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    Went to Uni for 4 years and got 2 degrees. My advice would be to first get a job you think you may like doing for a few years, and then think about it.
    I have met and still meet many ppl who regret going to uni or regret doing the course they did. Not to mention the debt!
    Spending a year or two in work will open your eyes and make you realise you dont need a degree to get on in life.
    Its not all about fun either!

    But please yourself mate, and good luck whatever!

  6. #38
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    I went to uni last year at University of Birmingham on their EEE program (electronic and electrical engineering) with the prospect of specialising in Computer Systems Engineering after the first year.
    However my first year was bumpy and with some personal problems and so decided to rethink my degree and am now at UCE (central england) still in birmingham on their CBeST scheme (Computing and Business e-Systems and Technology).
    So far i have found the course broad yet engaging and were moving onto network technology now and i have chosen to take Network Technology onto next year.
    Maths skills are utilised and business acumen also a bonus later on as the course is geared around the business IT environment (the department being in unison with the universities Business School).
    There are loads of great computing courses out there, with various business and industry links.
    Hope my experience gives you a little taster.


  7. #39
    we'll see about that... alterion's Avatar
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    Are you doing chemistry ATM? if so my chemisrty teacher is suggesting people who are aimine for AAB use one of their spots to apply for earth sciences (geology) at oxford it looks a very interesting course and apparently has a much higher accepatnce rate than most oxbridge courses (people last year at my school got in on BBB). With regards to compSci i spoke to some people at oxbridge about it yesterday at a confrence i went to and like said above compsci is now much more standard as a degree course in terms of applicants than a few years ago and an advantage is there are LOADS of good CS uni's (york does a 5 year sandwich masters degree with a sandwhich year working earing 13-26K if your feeling hardcore)- many do want further maths though. (i'm in 1st year of sixth from and the same boat as you).. I'm still deciding wether CS is a degree i'd like to do myself. It could be great or it could wreck my hobby.
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  8. #40
    Gaarrrrr! Dav0s's Avatar
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    was meant to go on that oxbridge trip, i assume u mean the one at cheltenham race course?

    i know what you mean about wrecking your hobby, it has happened to people i know, and just look at the salary for people with maths degrees lol.

  9. #41
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    I'd just advise to do whichever course inerests you the most. You will find that a lot of places have their first years as more of a learning experience and you take quite a few courses, which allows you to branch into other subjects if you want to.

    Something else worth noting is that I.T. can mean a lot of different things and it's being far to generalised with crap like comp-u-teach advertising to people that you can 'learn to be an IT consulant, or a game designer in your spare time'. Thats just a downright insult to people who have spent years of their life being genuinely skilled in the area and companies actually want their input.

  10. #42
    Senior Member manwithnoname's Avatar
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    A few years ago (err over 10 years) I started a comp sci degree at Manchester Uni, the first year maths course was too much for well over 50% of people - I was ok as I had done further maths. The crazy thing was the maths course was the only bit you could fail without failing the year!?

    In the 2nd and 3rd years understanding the maths really helped.

    off topic:
    I think there are too many people with degrees, I really feel my degree has been de-valued.

    As far as getting a job, try and get a company to sponsor you they'll normally give you a job after your degree. (With so many people with degrees its the experience that will make you standout.)

    If you do go to uni make sure you choose something you'll enjoy - I had 9am-5pm Monday in my 2nd year...

    Think about this: if you choose a degree because of the kind of job you want make sure you want to do that job - one 9am-5pm day every week might be hard but 9am-5pm, 5 days a week for the rest of your live ...

    I didn't know what job I wanted to do I think comp sci was a good choice as it covers broad area. Still haven't used my 68000 assembly since I finished I've ended up in DB admin (more luck than choice) 1/8 of my 2nd year was on DB.

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