Now lets look at Hitler in 1933 storming to dictatorial power after the Reichstag burned down.
The Nazi party did not hold a majority in the Reichstag so Hitler found it hard to pass laws as they had to be ratified by a majority. Hitler solved this problem by burning the Reichstag down. On 27 February 1933 The Reichstag was burnt down. Hitler blamed the event on the Communists by planting a Communist, Marianus van der Lubbe, in the Reichstag with matches and fire lighters in his pockets.
The Law for the Protection of the People and the State was a law that banned Communist and Socialist parties from taking part in elections. Hitler was able to pass this law through Hindenburg, using van der Lubbe as an excuse.
Until you've gone back and fully studied Hitlers rise to power I'd stop using that example as a basis for any intelligent argument.
In March 1933, elections were held and of course Hitler won a majority.
On 21 March 1933 the Reichstag was reopened in the Kroll Opera House. This allowed Hitler to pass an enabling law so he could govern the country on his own, with out the Reichstag's consent. This was only suppose to last four years. A two third was needed so Hitler arrested 81 communists and made deals with other parties. In the end the only party that opposed the motion was the social democrats.
First of all, do not say that the proof of this Reichstag false flag operation is not conclusive because it is so conclusive that there was even a question about it in my GCSE History paper when I took my GCSEs. You can see clearly that Hitler has used the problem that he has presented the Reichstag assembly, and more importantly the German people with to pass through laws (such as the enabling act, throwing away the Reichstag assembly) which they would otherwise have not allowed because it means the destruction of their freedom and the conversion of Germany from (in the 20s) the second most developed country in the world after the United States into a Fascist Police State. Totally destroying their freedoms and putting them on the war path into destruction.