For those thinking of importing, take into consideration that you'll have tax after tax dumped on you at Customs. Might not end up worth it.
For those thinking of importing, take into consideration that you'll have tax after tax dumped on you at Customs. Might not end up worth it.
I'm not entirely clued up on the rates, but I ordered a £200 camera from hong kong, only got £35 tax slapped onto it. Therefore it'll probably still be worth it!
You dont really need Vista Ultimate, its just a mismash of vista home premium and business.
Well it sure would be nice for Microsoft to take all that nice hard foreign currency at a time when the USD is almost worthless. And then explain that we have to pay nearly double because of exchange rate differences.
@ Microsoft for expecting to sell Vista at these pants-pulled-down prices. all I have to do is keep the same motherboard for the next 8 years.....
I was suprised how cheaply Teckheads ultimate compared with amazon UK price this morning, but didnt have chance to check back on amazon untill about 10 mins appears that amazon have removed the prices of Vista all together odd.
LOL! Started quite a row now Jumpin! Better sleep with one eye open, those Micro$oft Mafia can be dangerous.
You only need to look on iTunes to see we are getting fleeced! Here we are talking about something with no packaging and no cost of production (for Apple at least) and yet it is cheaper in the US. Full album from US iTunes cost £5.
One thing I can think of for the price difference in software is that because we can "afford" it we subsidise the places that can't afford it. Speaking to one of my staff from India he says that legal software is way cheaper over there than in the UK. Can you imagine what £360 is to someone who earns this in 6 months.
Just a thought.
So it costs more to market a product in the UK? 80% more apparently.
packaging (from what i've seen) looks like a plastic case with a box inside...boxes are not that expensive, and plastic in bulk (which i would imagine is the case) wouldn't cost a hell of a lot. CD's/DVD's are ten a longer as expensive as they used to be, so that would only have tiny affect on the price. Regional doc's, with mass printing gets cheaper the more you have printed. taxes...well what can i say RIP OFF!. transportation a shipping, you get that with everything (mostly) exchange rates suck! speacially if your in the UK and you want a PS3 from america (which for the UK would be dirt cheap....only its so damn hard to import! retailers profit....everyone want a piece of the cash. the only MAJOR cost that i can see would be the wages and the man hours which went into making the OS itself.
ALSO whats the difference between the X64bit version and the x32bit? Ive got an ASUS P5N32 SLI Deluxe motherboard with the Core2Duo Extreme...
Last edited by Trevulate; 06-01-2007 at 06:11 PM.
Most of the price difference comes from the fact that the dollars value has steadily collapsed over the past year. This is true of most software, not just Vista. The Guardian did a piece about it a couple of weeks ago. The reason prices are high is because that's what the companies feel they can get away with - why pass on a lower cost price to the consumer when you can keep the price artificially high and make more profit? If you believe in free-market hand-waving, there'd be sufficient competition to drive the retail price down, but....
Last edited by charleski; 07-01-2007 at 03:07 AM. Reason: spurious apostrophe!
Us British have to pay always that extra for these US companies, even small things for instance like iTunes music. I know 99 cents to 75p isn't much but think about it if you buy more and more albums, it builds up. And what is the extra cost for? The non-existent delivery costs? Then all these consoles and software, and computers like Macs, its useless utterly useless
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