I'm right about the bandwidth, and I'm right about the 5770.
If you compare the specs between the 4870 and the 5770, what is the ONE area the 5770 is behind? That 128 bit memory bus. True, the memory is running faster, but not twice as fast to make up for half the bus. So we've got less memory bandwidth, same SPs, same ROPs, same TMUs. If anything, the "next gen" DX11 SPs should be more potent.
What do the benches show us? The 5770 losing most to the 4870, sometimes by pretty significant amounts, and only "winning" by a fps or two when it does.
What conclusion does the reviewer come to?
The same conclusion and recommendation I made. The 5770 is just a bad buy at this point in time, no one has any reason to pay the "early adopter" tax. You pay that to get some new, not possible before performance like the 5970 offers, not some middle of the road performance almost every gamer with $150-$200 to blow on a card got last year.
Buyers this holiday season can do far better with either ATi or NVIDIA last gen this holiday season. The bang per buck bar was set too high by these products, the 5770 would have to be $125 to be a "godeal"