I was wondering if I could bug you all for some technical help.
I would use the online system, but as the PC wasnt bought from you I thought it would be abit cheeky.
I was on the PC playing a game when it suddenly went off. I instantly felt there was some heat coming from the system.
I first thought that the system shut itself down due to i know system have sensors that tell the system to shut down if it gets to hot.
So i left the system alone for about 30 - 40 mins tried turning it on and it didnt work at all so im assuming something is dead.
Anyway I was wondering if any of your tech people could give me an idea of what the problem might be and any other damage that might be caused.
^^The above is a direct copy of what I sent to a SCAN dude and thought id post it here^^
Something Carlh mentioned was that it could be a dead mobo or G Card.
When trying to boot i get nothing, not even a whir from any fans, how ever I did notice that the green light on my mobo still came on. However this was immediately after the computer died, so am not sure but was wondering if the light still being on could be from any residual charge in any of the mobo capacitors.
Anyway any help would be great.