Long story short, i've had no ends of trouble with my place of work, health and safety issue's are just some of the few problems i've had....anyhow something new came up!
I use a pallet truck, drag heavy cages about and carry large bits of crappy furniture, so should i drop something heavy onto my foot, where do i stand? as work refuse to provide steal toecaps, i was sure that they should but could be wrong.
On anouther note, in our handbook it states the breaks/lunchs as follows,
Working hours,
4H - entitles you to no break
4h+ - 6h entitles you to half an hour
6h+ - 8h entitles you to 1 hour
That is in the handbook, but all of a sudden work have now decided that we wont be getting the half an hour anymore...or if you work 7 hours for instance (my shifts are this) then you are not entitled to a hour instead your now only entitled to half an hour.
Now we are known for doing 10 hour shifts, easy but how would lunchs and such work with that aswell?
But the main thing is this, can they do this? it states in the handbook what we are entitled to so i'm almost 100% sure if they change it, then they cannot apply it untill we get a new handbook correct?
And for the douche who said that he GARANTEES that my place of work would NEVER allow a health an safety issue, the floor is incredibly dangerous where i work and works answer was this "customers dont come out here so it it does not matter and we are getting a refurb out here at some point anyway" ye my manager really said that and grilled me for going on about it lol not that i slipped on the broken tiles or anything, my safety is not cared about if i moan about it they just pull me out of the job and place me doing something else i mean really? great way to solve underlying issues isnt it.