I would quite like a ps4 for hopefully another beautiful uncharted game but i'm more likely to spend the money on a new graphics card for my PC
I would quite like a ps4 for hopefully another beautiful uncharted game but i'm more likely to spend the money on a new graphics card for my PC
I'd go for the PS4 if either, mainly due to Microsoft idiotic ideas. Namely always online and 24/7 camera and microphone issues.
XB:One £429
PS4 £349
The moment Sony won E3
Go home MS, you're drunk...
oh, and the best video so far! (even if it does show PS+ now required for online play)
From what I've seen of present mobile (Android/iOS) games, I hope not. Things might change over time, but for the time being, I'll take 10 games at £50 (though more realistically £20, as the only games I buy new are budget re-release), over 100 £5 games, or 500 games at 99p. It takes me a pretty long time nowadays to finish a single title (non FPS anyway), so quantity doesn't matter, and I am still struggling to find original mobile game (non-port) that belongs in a "best of it's class".. outside the casual gaming category.
Definitely need to see what else the X1 and PS4 offer to the living room in addition to games before I could decide one way or the other. Who would pre-order already? :S
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