The safest thing to do is probably to use USB, yes. As for firmware - up to you. If I'd just been using USB, and not firewire, then I'd never have felt any need to upgrade the firmware.
The safest thing to do is probably to use USB, yes. As for firmware - up to you. If I'd just been using USB, and not firewire, then I'd never have felt any need to upgrade the firmware.
I bet has got a lot of new members thanks to IcyCrap!!!!
Before I moved to UK, I bought this icybox and didn't have a chance to test it. So I moved and assambled it when I got here. Now I'm struggling to get it working but with no success. My model is USB2 only IB-351U-B and I can see it in the device manager but not in file manager (explorer, total commander). I have a Maxtor 200G inside which worked while it was in computer. I tried to jump the drive for Master, Slave and CS already.
I can't explain what frustrations it caused me. I have all the data on it and can't access it. If I want to claim waranty I have to go back by plane, which is both expensive and time consuming.
Is there any chance?
And for those thinking of buying it, please please don't. Find out some other option.
To counter your post kaarm, I have to say I'm very pleased with my unit
I plugged in a 160gb Samsung drive that I had lying around (which was already partitioned and full of data), set to master, connected via USB and everything worked first time and has continued to work flawlessly! I've since repartitioned into a single partition and copied many GBs of data around without any glitches at all.
Sods law it will now explode in a firey inferno, but hey, I'd still buy another one
Thank you Steve
Was that it? How come it's not written anywhere? Anyway, many thanks. Google kicks ass
Can I leave it now on CS enabled or should I jump it differently?
My mate has one waiting for me to fix atm, windows just wont recognise the drive. I expect the PATA drive is not set on master, bluming jumpers.
Hi guys
Am not having much luck with google on this one (cept this forum)
Have just purchased a hitachi t7k250 250G sata2 and icybox IB-351StUS-B. Beautiful and simple setup, just when I connect it to my laptop Dell inspiron 8600 via usb the drive id gets recognised and all seems fine in device manager, only the drive doesnt show in explorer. Now the reason i purchased this drive is because the other 250G ext hdd (maxtor by the way) just stopped working when i used it in the firewire port (folders were unaccesable then drives(2partitions) were gone. The partitions now have bad boot sectors, so the new drive is to get all the stuff of the Maxtor using handy recovery (great program by the way) which is able to see the files when explorer and other computers only see the two partitions with 0 bytes (RAW file sys).
So my question is simply how do I get the new hdd to be recognised? Is it a bios thing? Do drives come preformatted? I am being really thick with this one cos I am flat out studying and working at the moment and am to mentally tired to try too much without avail.
Any help and comments would be appreciated
Thanks, Tezza
Welcome to HEXUS
Try this:
Right click my computer and click manage. From there find the disk-management 'snap-in'. It may well prompt you about a disk needing importing/initialising and formatting.
Fingers crossed, that's all you need to do.
Thanks for that info steve
Have now got my hitachi up and running via the method you suggested, great stuff!!
So now all I need to do is recover about 180G of data from the other external hdd!!!
Thanks again for the help
In real world the firewire is faster, usb is host to host comunication, firewire is more a server client communitcation format...Originally Posted by Shad
If it's one of the newer external hdd caddys then i suspect that it no longer has issues with the fw, how ever don't hold you breath.
My i got rid of mine ages ago but i might be tempted by a pure sata to sata external caddy
Guess what... I'm posting back in "March time" reporting that my Maxtor 250GB drive has died again... This is getting ridiculous. I would now say "I suspect I will be posting back in about September time" reporting the replacement drive dead too - but not this time... I intend to chuck this drive sharpish. Whether onto ebay for some poor sod to pick up or else in the bin. Either way, Maxtor is OUT and Seagate is IN.Originally Posted by rory1984
Hi all, i'm new to this forum and found it be googling "icybox problem". Wish i'd found it before i bought the kit.
Just bought a Icybox IB-360UE-BL and a 300Gb Maxtor MaXLine III. Powers up fine, blue light comes on hard disk whirs into life but thats it. The computer can't detect the disk. I've tested it on both Mac OSX and PC Windows XP SP2. On the Mac nothing happens at all, its as if it not even connected (first thing i checked!). On the PC, its appears in the device manager but with a yellow exclamation mark, and informs me there "was a problem starting the device". So at least its knows somethings there. I've followed Steves tip, right clicking "my computer" and "manage" to get the disk-management 'snap in' but the drive doesn't show.
Anyone had a similar problem and knows a solution or is it back to the supplier? Problem is, i'm not sure whats to send back, the Icybox or the Drive. After reading this thread, i'm tempted to send back both!
Thanks Steve. I changed it from the default 'cable select' to 'slave', 'master' and out of desperation every other possible combination, but still no luck. I did notice that on some settings, particularly 'slave' and 'cap position', the blue disk access light on the front of the icybox permanantly lit up for the first time. Although the result in device manager is always the same, an error 'code 10' and a yellow exclamation mark.
I have 2 firewire ports and a USB and none seem to work. Could it be that this model of maxtor drive is not compatible with the Icybox? I can't think of another answer other than faulty equipment.
I'm having problems of a new form with my icybox. The blue lights blink on and off, and the drives inside do not spin up. I guess I'll need to RMA it...
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