I followed this here from slashdot, & have to say my opinion of hexus has gone downhill since reading the article.
(My itallics)
Alienware had been assuming we'd be giving the system a glowing review - irrespective of its quality, features and price.
How can we be so sure? Well, the company told us so. And it's not simply that it said it expected this of us, it told us it expects it of every publication around the world to which it sends review product!
And that means, in effect, it's saying that every positive review of an Alienware product that the company supplied could be corrupt and totally untrustworthy - and, by inference, so might the site or magazine that published it.
Well, that's a conclusion that needs a pole vault to leap to. I'm sure if I had a product I believed in & felt good about selling, I'd assume I'd be getting good reviews for it.
<snip first email>
He (like all of us) interpreted it to mean that Alienware was demanding that we lie about Alienware's products in future reviews and that the company was surprised that we hadn't lied in our review of the Area-51 7500 system.
so, let me get this straight:
- Alienware send you a machine for review
- Mat's bosses aren't that pleased at the lukewarm review. (No surprise there, surely?) Boss probably overreacts (remember the US has more of a hire & fire culture than the UK)
- Mat says that he'd be unlikeley to GIVE you the same machine for review again, due to the anticipation of a poor review. Basically he'd be giving his boss an excuse to fire him, remember he works in m.a.r.k.e.t.i.n.g. (hey I can quote wikipedia too!) and is job is to get his companies products favourable placements? Maybee even Alienware is considering changing the SKU in light of the review? Dunno, this is unstated, but possible.
- Mat says you're probably better off reviewing something else. (The problem being...?)
I'm sorry, but I can't for the live of me see "corrupt" and "demanding we lie" in this exchange. I see someone doing their job. As another poster commented, you're straying (and I use the word advisedly) into libelous territory here.
Paul Dutton's respose
… the only inference which can be made from this is that ‘Alienware’ will only submit products to publications which will write nice things about ‘Alienware’.
The only inference there is Paul's. And do you
really expect the marketing departments of companies to send you there products for review with the full knowledge that they will be panned?
"oh yeah, here's our system - it's a bit crap by the way, you may want to quote me in the review on that".
... Don't think so. I'd sack that employee, not the one who wouldn't send you a poorly reviewed system for a second time.
but I'd like to think that what Bettison says Alienware has done - and is doing - is illegal.
Absolute claptrap. They're lending systems (or not) for review. What gives you the right to demand sample products from companies?
Any web sites, print publications and journalists responsible for corrupt reviews should also be held to account.
You're starting to crusade now, calm down. If you're intent was to use this article to portray Hexus as a whiter than white mature jounalistic establishment then you've sorely failed. This piece just comes accross as an incredibly juvenile & poorly thought through rant against someone doing their job. The cynical might sau a slashdoted traffic generating exersise.
I'm shocked and apalled. Not at Alienware, but at Hexus.