Hi i am planning on hooking up by be broadband connection and my network together with my dads and bro's pc's. At the back of our garden there is a summer house where i stay and practicly live in. i have my own seperate telephone line there away from the main house and thats where my bb connection is. the summer house is about 40-50 feet away.
i have tries the 14mbps homeplug and it worked well but does anyone know any experience in the 85/200mbps ones?
Shall i dump the homeplug and go with wifi? wifi-g is not enough so i may need to use the new wifi -n i believe its called.
i want to be able to transfer data at 100mbps at least between my pc to my bro's and dads.
to sumerize my post the questions im asking is:
homeplug or wifi?
best wifi equipment and requirements?