Uptime : 49 days, 06:50:13
Previously over 96 days, then we had a power cut in the area - gutted
Linksys WRT54GL - HyperWRT + thibor15c
Uptime : 49 days, 06:50:13
Previously over 96 days, then we had a power cut in the area - gutted
Linksys WRT54GL - HyperWRT + thibor15c
Time: 01:44:32 up 11 days so far on a Linksys WRT54G with DD-WRT
best that i have had from it was 29 days ... then the wireless connection on my laptop wouldnt work so i restarted it
466 hours, 5 mins about 20 days, had to reboot as it crashed - Performance Hardware
Marshall Field: "Good will is the one and only asset that competition cannot undersell or destroyā€¯
I was on a site a few weeks ago where the SDSL line had been active ever since they turned it on in the exchange, not one drop in around 3 years with a cisco router, that was until I arrived and it went off shortly after...
I know I'm not new to ADSL - in fact I was on the BT trials back in 1998-1999 and have used, abused and confused more routers than god knows what
I think the router craps itself when you have a few devices on the network which are using quite a lot of TCP/IP connections for various reasons. The DCHP and everything works, just the TCP/IP dies and nothing wants to load. Running the scripts to check for connectivity within the router say everything is fine - but the lack of connections, lack of xbox live and lack of http traffic suggests otherwise.
Now because I have quite a few network devices - 14 in total ranging from PC's, Squeezeboxes, laptops and consoles I think when were having a busy session the amount of concurrent TCP/IP connections causes the router to die and this is on a daily basis.
I'm looking to replace the Bebox shortly with another solution - maybe one of the 802.11n series
Sup WRT buddy!
I went from ADSL to Virgin media the other day, not a single downtime - in this 3 days I've been back to Virgin Sky would have been down several times daily !
Awesome router ;o I use wireless from my main pc, I game a lot and also DL a lot, it's perfect for maxing out my 20MB line on, I get 2mB/sec or over off sites that can provide that speed all the time and game pings in CS:S on a 32man server are 20-25
Last edited by mrk; 14-09-2007 at 10:45 AM.
Router 33 Days so far on a cheapo 18 quid Ebuyer GURU - had my money's worth.
Zoom X4 router. Just over 1 day but thats only because I had to reboot it to setup anther pc to use the router.
last downtime was when the power went out.Firmware: DD-WRT v23 (12/25/05)
Time: 15:35:05 up 122 days, 21:26,
32 days, 2 hours.
Not bad for a BT Home Hub
Just over an hour
1109 hours, 40+ days then. its an old ZyXel router, back from the 1st UK ADSL lines
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