I am in the unusual position that I've just moved house, waiting for BT to get it's act together to get my new phone line up and running and I don't have an ADSL service!
I am getting sky telly (when I can order it, when I get this phone line working) - but was wondering what their ADSL service is like?
My local exchange has a Sky LLU presence there so I assume I could get ADSL2 from them. 16Meg broadband does seem overkill for me (we used to have VM 2meg cable), but if they are offering it cheap.....I'll take it.
So should I:
* Go with Sky 8 or 16 Meg packages.
* Try O2/ Be
* try An/Other BB supplier
What I won't do is:
* Go with AOL
* Go with Tiscali
* Go with Talk talk