Hey guys
Finally got fed up of not having a 2mb connection and not wanting to pay the Wanadoo £20 charge for it I've decided to move on.
I've requested my MAC code and Wanadoo are sending it to me so thats all good.
I've researched around a lot and think Freedom2surf looks like the best ISP for me. I want it uncapped as I download and game a lot and basically wanted it less restricted. Zen are good I know - but unfortunately I looked at their prices and think they're a little steep.
Are Freedom2Surf any good?
Getting this (probably):
Connect Plus £24.99 Activation: Free up to 8Mbit Uncapped
I know my exchange may not be connected to 8mb, but I do know it is fine for 2mb, and I assume if Freedom2Surf can get it up to 8mb they will.
What dya reckon?