It won't let me post a link.
It won't let me post a link.
I need another 3 posts
Make that 2!!
Here you go.............but be nice!!!!
I think we should get stickers made up that say- "Nick if thats you behind me, all I can say is LOL!"
( i still dont like horse box's, but thats made my morning)
and welcome to hexus Piebaldsparkle
in before necklicker
LOL I think even most of us horsebox drivers have met/seen/been stuck behind the type you refer too!!
I'm guessing the ones who don't see the funny side recognise some of the traits in themselves!!!
Anyway totally unoffended lady horsebox driver here (Guess that's because I know where my reverse gear is and sometimes even manage to use my wingmirrors!)!!!
Probably won't be on here much as am normally out and about holding up traffic at the weekend!!!
Nick, i own horses and drive a very very slow lorry!
And whilst i don't agree with all your points your post was very entertaining to read.
I also find your post very soothing and masculine and am feeling a warmth towards you.
Please post more about us horse women, i like your warm tones and look forward to reading more x
get your coat nick, you pulled !
and you get to do it in a barn
well i doubt any of the lads here can compete with the local amputee football team
Can i have a Nick sticker for my Horse lorry please!
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