So im pathetic because i am picking holes in your arguments.
Your sig CLEARLY stated 4.5ghz@ 1.5v.
You have made no valids points whatsoever.
14600 marks is good
btw........but not that great for a CPU running at almost 4.4ghz.
Forget Xbitlabs. Show me your temps. They must be stupid.
Once again you have poor facts which are inaccurate.
I would love you to tell me, how a CPU with a diode problem can be resolved by a motherboard bios flash. It cant can it. The motherboard is totally seperate from the CPU therefore it can have no bearing on a faulty CPU. Whoever told you that isnt really thinking.
Those first batch E8*** series CPUs were FAULTY and thats hasnt been proved otherwise anywhere.
I will read your information that you 'pluck from the clouds' from now on rather than respond.
Firstly because very little you say has any truth or substance and secondly, i should really know better at my age, than to argue with a child.
Good Luck in your exams.
BTW.....I will push back to 3.6ghz later and post my 3D Mark Results. I think you may change your mind about the amazing E8400 then.