Hey all,
I've been browsing the forums for some time now and I'm looking at a couple of PC builds that I would like this communities opinion on.
I have £5k to spend on one machine £1k to spend on another.
The £5k one is for gaming at my dads house (would like 5 monitors with this) while the £1k one is a gaming rig for my mums house (don't need monitor for this one)........ My parents separation is good for something.... mostly guilt money from my dad for sleeping with
another woman!!!
Now I'm not going to say to my dad don't worry you don't need to spend all that so I want to squeeze as much tech into a PC as possible for both budgets.
Don't really want a water cooled build either as I don't have a clue about putting one of those together!!
I've done a couple pre-builds on Scan but seeing as I'm (well, my guilt stricken dad) spending a fair bit I want to be sure to get the best parts.
Thanks and look forward to hearing your thoughts..