I have now tried virtually everything that I can think of to install Vista 64 to my F1. But it won't do it.
Intel DQ 965 GF mobo
Samsung F1
Various other drives
Sweat and tears
The mobo sees the drive.
I can install XP Pro to it.
When Vista 64 is installed on another drive, the Vista 64 OS can see and use the F1 as another drive, but not as a boot drive with the OS.
I've tried formatting it with XP disk
I've tried deleting all partitions and then installing. (have to use XP disk for that, cos the V64 disk cant see this drive)
I've tried creating an NTFS partition with XP pro and then installing.. cant see it.
I've tried creating a partition with V64 running on another drive, and with the F1 as a secondary drive. Nope.
I've even tried buying it dinner.
I've surrendered now, and have Vista 64 on my Raptor, and have used the F1 to replace my AAKS WD 400 gig drive for games and data. To do this, I had to use Vista 64's Disk Management (ie right click My Computer, click Manage, click Manage drives.)
So it's a working drive for anything other than booting or installing V64 to.
I have even tried using Acronis 10 to copy the full boot drive from my Raptor to the F1, and while Acronis thought it had worked, the PC still failed to boot on the new F1 drive.
(I have done this on the WD AAKS and it worked fine, and I have also done it on a Hitachi Deathstar, and it's fine too)
So if anyone else is trying to install V64 on an F1, and the Vista install disk can't see the drive.... you are not alone. Give up and get another drive.