My 1800MHz Duron runs at 28 degrees C full load...well it's at 29 right now but usually 28, air temp n here must be up a bit.
That's running SETI solidly.
Seems very low when people with 2500+ Bartons are running about 10 degrees higher! Remember the Barton is only running 33 MHz faster!
Okay I know its a Duron. But that big a difference? This is running in a reasonably well cooled case I guess, with one intake and one exhaust fan, a dual fan PSU and a hole in the case above the HSF for the CPU (with a 60-80mm adapter...but only on one of the old TaiSol heatsinks! Copper insert into Al 'sink).
I must say I do like this heatsink, am using it in preference to an SK6+, but even so...
In short, are Durons that much cooler than TBreds/Bartons clock for clock?