I originally bought a locked xp2500 a while back and on installation got over the 200 fsb mark to around 210. This cpu then went into another comp at stock and I ran a xp2800 for a while.
Anyway the xp2500 is back in use and is extremely stable at 197fsb but any attemp to hit 200 and the damn thing won't boot into windows. I have tried everything. (it will boot at 200fsb into safe mode no probs)
I wondered if I had the dreaded < rev 2.0 board issue but my mobo says Rev1.01 (I think 1.04/06 had the issues) and cpu-z says rev 2xx so I presume this is a Rev 2.0 board.
Anyone have any ideas? Different bios perhaps?
Temps: idle @ 40°C, load @ 45°C.
A7n8x-e deluxe (1009 bios)
xp2500 @ 2.18Ghz
1 gig mushkin level 1 ddr 3200 @ 2-3-2-6
2 x sata 160 gig Hitachi deskstar in Raid 0.
1 x ide 80 gig WD caviar
Tagan 480w
Win XP SP2