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Thread: Who's still playing WoW then?

  1. #161
    Richard Allen Evans mr_anderson187's Avatar
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    im wishign you luck cos youll sure as hell need it, i think i had about 50 runs in total done, and got it on the 30th succesfull one too, i did mien with slarys, he screwed up as much as me,

    id say youll get boned...

    On the little ramp up into the garrison there is a patrolign firegaurd, if you manage to scrape by that,

    youll definitly get boned in the corridor preceeding that, where you have to get by 4 dragoon guards, woudl need both lvl 60 distracts here and to hug the wall extra tight, one inch too far to them and your boned, if you scrape through that,

    youll nearly almost certianly get boned on the lvl 58 patrolling firegarud in that corridor, he gives off liek invisable aoe if you get too close, even behind him so watch out, the corridor is that narrow, your gona have to be liek 4 foot from him at points and im not sure if lvl 50 stealth coudl take that tbh, if you get by that, its clean sailign by the little lvl 50 trash mobs in the technician area, you wont agro them easily, jsut stay stealthed, then comes the real test

    the bridge, (if i hadnt have lost all my screenshots in a reformat, i coulda showed you perfectly) the bridge is a real toughy no doubt about it, with luck you could get by the rest but the bridge is a bugger, sets of three mad fireguard things, even if they are distracted and lookign the other way, they can instantly turn round and bone you if they feel like it, indeed its a dog, once your over the bridge though its plain sailing, neutral mobs in the bar you can unstealth and chat, then waste the barman, and get krap loot, then repeat liek 324235223423724 times before you get it

    if i were you id get a thrash blade, get ure mates to stealth u through maradon, thers a lot of good rogue stuff in there, the quest will give you the thrash balde, the princess herself sometimes drops a good mace (either her or the named giant does landslide) a nice rare gun called the megashot rifle from the goblin, and VERY nice boots from rotgrip in there too, i think they give like 14 agility called albino crocoscale boots or sumthin, with those stuff, id head out to the hinterlands, and feralas/felwood and quest/grind ure arse to 52, then have a crack at the shanker man, if still undoable get 54 (moving on to felwood now) then it shoudl be easier and coudl do it with one lvl 60 rogue but im sure with a lot of tiem and patience you _could_ do it at 50
    Last edited by mr_anderson187; 07-11-2005 at 01:34 PM.
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  2. #162
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    Yea i had a word with the dudes and they are ganna come along for a test run tonight

    I think in the areas that are going to be hard to get past we will get the rogues to take agro and sprint / vanish whiles i try and stealth though

    I tried mauradon the other day but we had a group with a bad tank (usual story.. "whats defensive stance?" /smacks forehead) =\ and just to show that i needed a good tank... by half way though the instance i was over 250k more damage delt then the tank and 2 other shamans...

    Back on subject i forgot to put prep on my need list that one is a defo! also ganna put crip poisons on my blades.. point being if i get attacked i can still put evasion on and try and get the poisons on before trying to run if im not dead by that time

    Im really lookin forward to this I know its ganna be DAMN hard but thats what is drivin me to do it ^ ^ and is goin to be the determination i need to get this dagger by tonight lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  3. #163
    Richard Allen Evans mr_anderson187's Avatar
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    eager to hear how you got on dude, cmon, let me know
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  4. #164
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    Gawd dang it didnt get chance to do it last night, Went to Ungodo to help a friend out on some quests (and do them myself aswell ) I love Ungodo now.. I cannot count how many 60s i ganked with my priest to protect me had an EPIC battle with a 60 paladin omg it went on for about 10 minutes -.- even at one point having to Vanish and Sap to regain my health and my priests mana i had to use vanish twice evasion blind adrenaline rush+Blade Flurry+Slice and Dice and finally he ran out of mana and went down -.- epic paladins for teehhhh loooose!! Good healers for teh WIN!!!!!!!

    also got a 60 mage and warlock (at once.. or well sap one kill one and then kill other ) and GOD knows how many 50-59 we killed.. it was untrue, we got ganked twice after they all grouped up (bout 6 of em ) and they camped us but after that we didnt die at all got around 70+ kills and im 40k from my level.. and NO im not going to level before i got to try the run coz i want a screenie of me dead next to the barman whiles i try and one man gank him lol jk

    Im going to see if my rogue friends have some spare time tonight if they are not in Scholo or av

    I will get screenies aswell of me on the way, just a quick question tho, does anyone know where I can download an image viewer for the piccys
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  5. #165
    Richard Allen Evans mr_anderson187's Avatar
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    unlucky on not getting in dude, u can open the screenshots in photoshop and save as jpegs to reduce size though to upload, if tats wat ure after

    sholo - uuuhuhuh shiver, i hated that dungeon, took aaaaaaaaaaages to get to the main boss!
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  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_anderson187
    unlucky on not getting in dude, u can open the screenshots in photoshop and save as jpegs to reduce size though to upload, if tats wat ure after

    sholo - uuuhuhuh shiver, i hated that dungeon, took aaaaaaaaaaages to get to the main boss!
    i heard its a bit of a bugger never got a toon high enough level to go there tho ive got two level 50s and a 39 mage on my main server and a 30 rogue on another server (i used her for BG untill they changed level range to 29 -.- )

    Only thing i have on my system for piccys is paint (FTW!!!!!) im guessin or sumin like that can help me find photoshop? if not any linkies?
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  7. #167
    Richard Allen Evans mr_anderson187's Avatar
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    fi think GIMP actually opens the files as well tbh, u tried maradon any more yet, it holds many things that are good for you at your lvl, cant wait till i get back on WoW, might come on your lads server, arathor ive heard has became a bit lacking could blast my way up the levels pretty easily
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  8. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_anderson187
    fi think GIMP actually opens the files as well tbh, u tried maradon any more yet, it holds many things that are good for you at your lvl, cant wait till i get back on WoW, might come on your lads server, arathor ive heard has became a bit lacking could blast my way up the levels pretty easily
    would be cool to see more people online from here on our server im well impressed on how our guild is progressing at the moment at nights can be anything from 20 - 40 people online at once and normally over 2/3 of the people that are online are now level 44+ we are becoming a huge guild on the server and are already well known thoughout the server for our alli killing ways (we have started way to many southshore raids )

    If you feel like comin over (when u get it back that is ) just give us a shout on here or in game (Toon name = Scum as seen in sig ) and im always on between the hours of 6 and 2
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  9. #169
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    omg how bad can this get -.- I get everything sorted to go and just before we go..

    "ooh kaine we need you for a CS:S Match..."
    "...." ............................. -.- "..................................................." /cry
    unfortunatly i got pretty annoyed at this and went off to play this match.. only to find that an hour later.. they are NO SHOWS!!!!! OMG!! how P1$$3d was I!!

    so i went back on wow and i got a msg "wanna do BRD?" so im thinkin hmm so i join this group and go along only to find an hour later that we are all leaving.. AND by this time from the exp i already turned level 51.. so I have missed my chance at gettin these at 50 but im sure 1 level shouldnt make a difference to how hard its goin to be and its this factor which is pushin me to try it so... i will soon get down there... i hope
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  10. #170
    Richard Allen Evans mr_anderson187's Avatar
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    unlucky dude, BRD is a nice instance though a few rare but tasty drops in there, can take some time to get through with a PIG but with a nice organized one of decent levesl you can skip through pretty well

    should be marginally easier at 51, but still damn hard id say, anyway it wouldnt be fun if it wasnt trying, u shoudl put that quick run into mauradon, itd make your leveling all that much easier, and the sword woudl come in handy for instances later (believe me it will)
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  11. #171
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    Sounds like a good idea tbh im gettin sick of that phantom sword, everyone has it at my level and i dont wanna be like everyone else I got the quest for it but i dont have a clue how to get to the princess thingie although it seems the phantom blade may hit harder from SS i dont know if i can loose my 400+ crits from SS lol it makes fights so much faster!
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  12. #172
    Richard Allen Evans mr_anderson187's Avatar
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    nah the thrash blade definitly hits harder, FACT!

    looking at the stats, base damage wise.

    phantom blade - 59-112
    thrash blade - 66-124

    lookint at this its obvious your base damage is gonna go up, all for a .1 less speed which youlnot notice in your main hand, if your sword spec this is even 'godlier' a nice fast off hand sword, the hanzo sword springs to mind, the off hand will apply lots of poision, and do frequent hits to screw over casters, while the main hand lays in massive damage, id put crusader on the main hand too, even better, i had it on a few of my weapons it was pretty tight, ive kinda lost what i was talking about here, but the thrash blade basically wastes anythign else out there till near lvl 60 sword wise

    some links of other swords which you should try to acquire

    hanzo sword - had this but vended it by accident lol

    this is pretty tight tbh, got it for 7g off a mate and it OMFG pwns lol

    my posing weapon, epicness mmm, just about as good as the thrash or assassination blade, except u can get this baby at 45, im pretty sure the level requirement used to be 37 on this though

    thats all i can think of atm really

    jsut top re-iterate though..

    Thrash blade > Phantom blade,

    also, the princess is well easy to get to, u can stealth to her and kill her with like a 60 rogue and you, by jsut trading off aggro, can be stealthed to in about 5 minutes flat, and killed in about 2 minutes, it take 2 60 rogues though to be safe, and whiel your there u can stealth to the other two bosses which drop nice lewt and kill them pretty easily too, and the goblin boss in there drops this some time, great offhand for a sword spec rogue, or this which is pretty good for when your rooted down in pvp one way or another, or for peopel fleeing, has wicked speed, put a sniper scope and soemn thorium shells and its pretty lethal

    Richard Allen Evans
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  13. #173
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    Yea Crus enchant will be nice only one or 2 days till my mage can do it aswell hehe level 39 mage with 300 enchantin is goin to be fun cant wait to get major int with pink glow lol goin to be a bugger to find the comps to do it tho i guess i can use my rogue tbh, i got enchantin on her aswell for disenchanting when i solo instances bosses ^ ^ its funny how much money you can get from small glowing shards when you sell them in AH 2g for 10 they sell a treat and now i can do SM west wing and lib solo it makes it all that bit easier to get more and more and more

    ive totally gone off subject -.-
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  14. #174
    Richard Allen Evans mr_anderson187's Avatar
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    large brilliant shards will be easy once u start doin stratholme scholo, u get them from 50-60 blues dont you? and the essence come fom 50ish greens, rare though, there was a dude on our server doing MIGHTY INTELLECT, thats +22 intelect lol, he gave me my +15 agility enchant on my weapon, pretty sweet, it glowed green, ive veered off topic too i think, less enchanting, more rogue'ing
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  15. #175
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    yea i think it was 50 - 60 blues

    Canni wait for my rogue to have +15 on offhand and crus on main all at the cost of NOTHING cept a purple item and a few blues /cry

    I think to test something tonight im ganna go to DM alone and see what I can do in there stealth wise should be fun ^ ^

    Started saving to my mount aswell i figure if i only use my money for poisons and flights then i should have enough money by the time i level to 60 ganking mounts rock
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  16. #176
    Richard Allen Evans mr_anderson187's Avatar
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    not to spoild ure fun but +15agi isw pretty unattainable yourself, u need either reveered or honored or sum krap with either the AD or is it the TB, think its the TB to get mighty intellect and +15agi, and the mats are hard at that, gotta get a good few guild raids of strat too to get the orbs for crusader, but its worth it

    you mean an epic mount? never bothered with it myself, too much hassle, normal mounts are ok, i found the longest distance i used to travel was poision vendor to bank and bank to zepplin tower lol
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