There should be ONE court system in this country, and that is the one run by the State, and they should be enforcing the law of the land and ONLY the law of the land. Jewish courts are no more acceptable than Sharia courts or, for that matter, Church of England or Catholic courts.
It's one thing for people that are willing to abide by voluntary Sharia arbitration (or Jewsih arbitration, or that of any other religious or even non-religious group) doing so, but it's very much another to have State courts enforcing decisions of "courts" that do not abide by the standards and principles of this country. This is NOT a Muslim country. If Muslims wish to submit to Sharia court, it's nobody's business but that of that court and those that submit to it. But as soon as State courts start enforcing it, it becomes unacceptable because Sharia law is not and I hope never will be part of the laws of this country.