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Thread: Sharia law in the UK

  1. #49
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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Betty_Swallocks View Post
    Unless you attend a Wahhabi mosque where if the spy camera documentaries are to be believed (and I see no way of them being faked) it is normal teaching that the kaffir (the rest of us) is less than a dog and deserves to be killed.
    Did you watch that on dispatches? Lol the programme that admitted to editing it to make it look 50 times worse than the situation is. Anyway, wahhabi is wahhabi. They have different views from your normal Muslim persons view.

    Originally posted by Blitzen
    So those pictures IRANU posted are just media sensation are they?
    You know and i know that they arent so have a word.
    Have a word... errr.... never heard of lethal injection or electric chair? I guess they are ok though, as no photos are taken of them Btw.. Did you see the pictures of the prisoners being tortured by the army?

    Death sentence is death sentence. Would you prefer a murderer to have a little holiday in prison and than let back amongst the public?

    As for the "I think people need to actually see the end result of the type of sharia law 360Bhp is proposing". Where exactly was I proposing this law onto you? I agreed that if a jewish court of law is allowed in the UK, an Islamic court of law should be allowed. Put down your Sun newspaper.
    Last edited by 360bhp; 07-10-2008 at 07:17 PM.

  2. #50
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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by 360bhp View Post
    Have a word... errr.... never heard of lethal injection or electric chair? I guess they are ok though, as no photos are taken of them Btw.. Did you see the pictures of the prisoners being tortured by the army?

    Death sentence is death sentence. Would you prefer a murderer to have a little holiday in prison and than let back amongst the public?
    Those are less brutal I'd say and it's not performed in the public and neither in the UK, there are photos and videos but I guess they don't seem as horrific as the ones that happen in muslim countries. The man carrying the hands and legs like it's nothing, it's so nasty and uncivilized. We used to do public executions ages ago but we've moved on from that.

    Sure no one likes to see a criminal enjoy prison life but it's how it is and I'm sure everyone would rather have it that way than the way of muslim countries. What about that gay couple who were hanged, they weren't murderers. They definately didn't deserve hanging either. People in the UK don't really want this law because they don't want people of that sort of mentality having their way in this country (Not saying every muslim has that mentality, but there are quite a few). You'll never see that stuff or things like the forced marriage of underage children for money. It only happens in countries like that.

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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by 360bhp View Post
    Did you watch that on dispatches? Lol the programme that admitted to editing it to make it look 50 times worse than the situation is. Anyway, wahhabi is wahhabi. They have different views from your normal Muslim persons view.

    Originally posted by Blitzen

    Have a word... errr.... never heard of lethal injection or electric chair? I guess they are ok though, as no photos are taken of them Btw.. Did you see the pictures of the prisoners being tortured by the army?

    Death sentence is death sentence. Would you prefer a murderer to have a little holiday in prison and than let back amongst the public?

    As for the "I think people need to actually see the end result of the type of sharia law 360Bhp is proposing". Where exactly was I proposing this law onto you? I agreed that if a jewish court of law is allowed in the UK, an Islamic court of law should be allowed. Put down your Sun newspaper.
    I am suprised at your stupidity i must say.

    1. When was the last time someone was executed in the UK for breaking the law? It was in the 1964if i remember correctly. When was the last time someone in this country was given a lethal injection or killed in an electric chair? NEVER AFAIK

    2. Did i say i was talking about public executions? No! I am talking about barbaric, mindless punishments such as the ones that Muslims dish out all over the planet in the name of Islam
    If you think birching, whipping, stoning is OK then you are definitely in the wrong country. Or.......would you be happy that if a Muslim did something wrong here, the law can flog them in the street unitl they are unconcious? Of course you wouldn't! Every Tom, Dick and Abdul would be up in arms about human rights. And rightly so....its called being civilised.
    What has the torture of prisoners got to do with it? They were not acting on behalf of a God. They were not acting on orders from a commnading officer. They were not actioning orders from a ruler of a country.
    If you think that someone having their limbs cut off as a punishment (from something probably menial), can be equated to torture in a war zone (which i also dont agree with), then you really are mislead and uneducated.

    3. The Dispatches program may have been engineered to show the worst of what happens in the MANY mosques in the UK. If you believe though that it was complete fiction and things like that aren't taught then you are living in 'Cloud-Mecca-Land'. People with these animal views have no place in civilised society.

    4. Lastly, why is it when someone has little argument, they always resort to accusing someone of being a Sun reader? Its pathetic.
    Even if i did read the Sun, or worse the Mail, though i dont, does that accusation give you the moral high ground or make you look stupid? <--------ta-da-daa
    Last edited by Blitzen; 08-10-2008 at 12:00 PM.

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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by 360bhp View Post
    Did you watch that on dispatches? Lol the programme that admitted to editing it to make it look 50 times worse than the situation is. Anyway, wahhabi is wahhabi. They have different views from your normal Muslim persons view.

    I'm fascinated. Could you explain how it is possible to edit video footage to make it look as if someone is saying that the Jew and the kafffir is to be killed? And that (to paraprase because I don't remember the exact wording) the unbeliever is less than an animal? Because that's what I heard them say.

    They probably didn't show more moderate preachers but the moderates aren't the problem. I for one have absolutely no issue with moderates. They are welcome to practice their religion in whatever way they like, but when you get influential members of the Moslem community (I assume your preachers are influential) preaching hatred and violence the line has been crossed.

    And I agree that wahhabi is an extreme form of Islam but unfortunately it seems that a lot of the most influential mosques in this country are controlled by them.
    "Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having."

  5. #53
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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Three against one is quite difficult, especially with photos, and talking about them as if we know what had happened previous to the execution.

    We've also gone far off the original topic. A sharia law of court SHOULD be allowed, if a Jewish one is allowed. Blitzen, I wasn't talking about the UK in general. I was talking about the whole super "western" thing you keep going on about. Death penalties still exist in America I'm sure. You say "barbaric, mindless punishments". How do you even know what the crime was? Woman getting shot could have stabbed all her kids and her husband to death.

    Betty, I can tell you now, alot of the 'influential' mosques are not controlled by 'wahhabi' Muslims. The programme had the scholars talking of the days of the anti-christ and his army. This was edited to make it seem like Muslims should up and kill millions of people. There were also parts that a scholar would say a that another sect teaches you to "kill millions of them slay them..this is wrong" etc and this can be very simply edited to come out as bad. I find it impossible that they stay in a mosque for few months, and no good in these lectures was said!!

    My religion is a peaceful religion. I wash myself and pray 5 times a day. But don't get me wrong, this doesn't make me weak. There are people out there like any other religion that give religion a bad name. Before the media was concentrating on the Jews, but now it is on the Muslims and I think will stay on Muslims for quite a while. I'll leave you with some quotes from The Quran. Bear in mind this is the book that all Muslims should follow. Anyone going against it, is pushing the boundaries and is some cases failing to follow the religion.

    “Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loves not aggressors” 2:190

    "And if two groups of believers fight against each other, reconcile them; and if one of them oppresses the other, fight against the oppressor till it returns to the command of God; then if it returns, reconcile between them with justice, and be fair; indeed God loves the equitable" 49:9

    There are plenty more, but as I say I am short on time.
    How difficult is it to understand, that Islam does NOT tell you to kill jews, christians, athiests etc. Killing 1 innocent person gives you the punishment of killing the whole of humanity.
    Last edited by 360bhp; 08-10-2008 at 12:42 PM.

  6. #54
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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Betty_Swallocks View Post
    I'm fascinated. Could you explain how it is possible to edit video footage to make it look as if someone is saying that the Jew and the kafffir is to be killed?
    I remember that the program was complained about because it was edited as in put together in a way that makes it seem they are inciting hate against muslims. But yes what they said was said and not edited. Although I've yet to come across a mosque like this, probably because I don't visit the influential (big/large capacity) ones.

    Quote Originally Posted by 360bhp View Post
    Did you watch that on dispatches? Lol the programme that admitted to editing it to make it look 50 times worse than the situation is.
    They didn't admit to it they were investigated by the police about it. I'd say yes the program makes it look 50 times worse than the situation in this country is, but disturbing to see nethertheless.

    Quote Originally Posted by 360bhp View Post
    Betty, I can tell you now, alot of the 'influential' mosques are not controlled by 'wahhabi' Muslims. The programme had the scholars talking of the days of the anti-christ and his army. This was edited to make it seem like Muslims should up and kill millions of people. There were also parts that a scholar would say a that another sect teaches you to "kill millions of them slay them..this is wrong" etc and this can be very simply edited to come out as bad. I find it impossible that they stay in a mosque for few months, and no good in these lectures was said!!
    I agree that it could have been edited and it would have been much better for them to actually show the full uncut version but I'm guessing they were short on time. However they were investigated and cleared of any wrongdoing so that leads me to believe that what was said was actually said. No one is above the law and I'm sure Channel 4 can't pull a few strings just so it could put a documentary that is possibly false up.
    Last edited by moogle; 08-10-2008 at 12:49 PM.

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  8. #55
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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by 360bhp View Post
    “Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loves not aggressors” 2:190

    "And if two groups of believers fight against each other, reconcile them; and if one of them oppresses the other, fight against the oppressor till it returns to the command of God; then if it returns, reconcile between them with justice, and be fair; indeed God loves the equitable" 49:9
    It may well be that the extremist views of the few do not reflect the views of the majority of those who follow the Muslim religion but, if you were to take a walk down Whitechapel on any Saturday and wander down to the Ideas Store (as I did recently when visiting a friend in the London Hospital) what you would find is a large group of Muslim men and youths handing out leaflets and, if you were to read these leaflets what you would read is the sort of thing that was printed across the leaflet shoved into my hands, I quote: "KILL A JEW FOR ALLAH".

    These men were also approaching girls (particularly unveiled Asian girls) and quite aggressively denigrating their "lack of modesty" and warning them that they would be "dealt with" when Muslim law governs the UK.

    I had not witnessed this sort of behaviour before and found it offensive and threatening. I can well understand why people who live in these areas view the Muslim religion and its followers as dangerous.

    It is this sort of thing that alarms non-Muslims and it is this sort of thing that does no service to those Muslims who wish to live peacefully.

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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    A sharia law of court SHOULD be allowed, if a Jewish one is allowed

    No point in making it bold.
    It should not be allowed in this country under ANY circumstances.

    The Jewish way of life is totally different and in no way is it as alien to us.

    I wash myself

    Muslims laws will be given creedence in this country over my dead body!
    If it does come to fruition then that would be preferable.

  10. #57
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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Amalie View Post
    It may well be that the extremist views of the few do not reflect the views of the majority of those who follow the Muslim religion but, if you were to take a walk down Whitechapel on any Saturday and wander down to the Ideas Store (as I did recently when visiting a friend in the London Hospital) what you would find is a large group of Muslim men and youths handing out leaflets and, if you were to read these leaflets what you would read is the sort of thing that was printed across the leaflet shoved into my hands, I quote: "KILL A JEW FOR ALLAH".

    These men were also approaching girls (particularly unveiled Asian girls) and quite aggressively denigrating their "lack of modesty" and warning them that they would be "dealt with" when Muslim law governs the UK.

    I had not witnessed this sort of behaviour before and found it offensive and threatening. I can well understand why people who live in these areas view the Muslim religion and its followers as dangerous.

    It is this sort of thing that alarms non-Muslims and it is this sort of thing that does no service to those Muslims who wish to live peacefully.
    Would have liked to have seen a copy of this leaflet. Although yes I can see that a group of muslim men confronting asian women not veiled or any coverings for that matter would look down on them in disgrace or try to get them to cover up. It's one of the things I don't like about them as they impose their views on others and don't like it if we don't accept them.

  11. #58
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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Amalie View Post
    It may well be that the extremist views of the few do not reflect the views of the majority of those who follow the Muslim religion but, if you were to take a walk down Whitechapel on any Saturday and wander down to the Ideas Store (as I did recently when visiting a friend in the London Hospital) what you would find is a large group of Muslim men and youths handing out leaflets and, if you were to read these leaflets what you would read is the sort of thing that was printed across the leaflet shoved into my hands, I quote: "KILL A JEW FOR ALLAH".

    These men were also approaching girls (particularly unveiled Asian girls) and quite aggressively denigrating their "lack of modesty" and warning them that they would be "dealt with" when Muslim law governs the UK.

    I had not witnessed this sort of behaviour before and found it offensive and threatening. I can well understand why people who live in these areas view the Muslim religion and its followers as dangerous.

    It is this sort of thing that alarms non-Muslims and it is this sort of thing that does no service to those Muslims who wish to live peacefully.
    Not witnessed that sort of behaviour either, but it's unnacceptable. Muslims are tought, if you have nothing good to say than to keep your mouth closed.

    "The Jewish way of life is totally different and in no way is it as alien to us"

    The jewish way of life is not completely different. Don't talk about something you have not researched. Jews are now out of the media, that's why to you it may seem completely different. Do your research, you'd be suprised.

    A sharia law of court SHOULD be allowed, if a Jewish one is allowed
    It should be made bold for you to understand easier, as is the most important point and goes as an answer to the original topic.

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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by 360bhp View Post
    Not witnessed that sort of behaviour either, but it's unnacceptable. Muslims are tought, if you have nothing good to say than to keep your mouth closed.

    "The Jewish way of life is totally different and in no way is it as alien to us"

    The jewish way of life is not completely different. Don't talk about something you have not researched. Jews are now out of the media, that's why to you it may seem completely different. Do your research, you'd be suprised.

    A sharia law of court SHOULD be allowed, if a Jewish one is allowed
    It should be made bold for you to understand easier, as is the most important point and goes as an answer to the original topic.
    I will make this a simple as possible so you may have a chance to understand. I can see your point of view clearly enough.
    YOU are another example of all that is wrong at the moment.

    YOU want your faiths view and values imposed into this country.

    YOU are exactly what alot of people expect a Muslim to be. I am imagining you sharpening your sword or preparring the noose for me as we speak because i wont agree to you view.

    Its a great shame that more people from your faith do not share the views of Moogle. He is obviously an intelligent guy with reasonable views and arguments.

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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzen View Post

    The Jewish way of life is totally different and in no way is it as alien to us.
    It would help if you do your research. Its posts like the above which make some us think you read the sun.

    As I've said before, ultra orthodox Jews (whom I have met) are just as extreme and hardcore in their beliefs as some extreme Muslims are.

    And in regards to those leaflets, I've seem them. Nothing but a load of rubbish produced by a couple of nutters. If you think that those people represent the majority of Muslims in this country you are as deluded as they are.

  14. #61
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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    He does have a fair point, if your going to allow one type of religious court, why not another?

    There are communities in north london which are entirely jewish, outsiders are not made to feal at all welcome, and to not use one of their laws ontop of our laws will get you outcast.
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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzen View Post
    I will make this a simple as possible so you may have a chance to understand. I can see your point of view clearly enough.
    YOU are another example of all that is wrong at the moment.

    YOU want your faiths view and values imposed into this country.

    YOU are exactly what alot of people expect a Muslim to be. I am imagining you sharpening your sword or preparring the noose for me as we speak because i wont agree to you view.

    Its a great shame that more people from your faith do not share the views of Moogle. He is obviously an intelligent guy with reasonable views and arguments.
    See there's your problem. Your imagination, fuelled by the media (Yes that includes the sun newspaper).

    I respect your view. It's your opinion. You are allowed your opinion, I'm allowed mine. Simple isn't it. I don't have a sword.

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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    I am imagining you sharpening your sword or preparing the noose
    It was a 'tongue in cheek' comment and nothing more

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    Re: Sharia law in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by shadowmaster View Post
    :And in regards to those leaflets, I've seem them. Nothing but a load of rubbish produced by a couple of nutters. If you think that those people represent the majority of Muslims in this country you are as deluded as they are.
    You have seen the leaflets so you will know what they contain. You dismiss them as rubbish produced by a couple of nutters. Actually these were well printed leaflets distributed by a large group of people who claim to be Muslim. It is just the sort of hate printed in those leaflets which help to create the anti-Muslim feeling in this country. Rubbish it most certainly is, but dangerous rubbish nevertheless.

    My post at no point indicates that I believe these people represent the majority of Muslims in this country - actually I pointed out that this type of behaviour does no service to Muslims who wish to live peacefully and that is my view.

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