Just a few points;
1. The probability of other life existing in the universe is not remote, it happens to be so probable that we are pretty much guaranteed not to be alone. There was an excellent TV program by Carl Sagan on this many years ago, and more recent discoveries in terms of where life can live have only served to underline the premises upon which it was based.
2. As G4Z has said, "not descended from apes" - I get the feeling that this is the real source of the fundamentalist proponents of ID's antagonism towards evolution. How can we be special if we were once ape like creatures? Well to be blunt -we aren't special, in fact our existence compared to the vastness of the universe is inconsequential. Until our species is willing to embrace this concept and move beyond it we are doomed to kill each other in pointless wars over meaningless beliefs.
3. Whilst scientific design should not be taught in science classes, whatever it’s proponents may say it is not a scientific theory. I do agree that it should be discussed in either general or religious studies. [There is no evidence upon which to create such a hypothesis. The argument that God must have had a hand in the process because we cannot create life is idiotic, not so long ago we believed that man would never fly.]