Hi Scan,
I have an issue with my new system that I am hoping you may have a fix for.
I ordered an ASUS P8P67 motherboard, 2500k processor, Vantage ALC cooler and win 7 64 bit from yourselves. I also ordered 4gb of Crucial ballistix 1600 memory from Crucial direct.
I was reusing an OCZ Vertex 2 60GB ssd and 2 X 460GT's, corsair 850W psu, coolermaster stacker case also purchased from yourself a while back, and some SATA storage drives.
The build went well, Windows installed fine and activated and i was wowed with my new pcmark scores, memory was set to 1600 through xmp and all was good. Left it installing my steam games overnight.
Next day found the system had hung, rebooted, but then I noticed that my memory was running at 1333 rather than the rated 1600. I went into bios and in advanced setting selected the xmp profile which set the correct timings and voltage, I also disabled epu and disabled q-fan on the cpu (so the vantage got full power).
The system wouldn't reboot, it just hung with the red light by the memory lit up. I tried the memok button next to it, no difference, still hung. tried bios defaults, tried to reset the bios with the jumper, no difference. removed everything bar the ssd, dvd drive and 1 gpu, still no difference. Reseated the momeory, no luck. Tried 1 stick at a time and discovered that one of the sticks would boot into 1333 but not the other. Figured this was the issue and RMA'd the memory and bought new sticks.
Got replacement memory the next day, slightly diff sticks this time, installed it and booted to 1333 fine. rebooted set xmp profile and booted to 1600 fine. All was good i thought. Installed the ballistix memory util that shows memory spd and temp, and the asus pc probe2 software, again reporting my memory correctly. Spent the eve gaming/
Next day I get a bunch of failed boots, and failed overclock messages when i get past the first bit.
I can boot to windows with default bios settings at memory 1333. If I set xmp profiles I always get the memory error light on and it hangs. If I set the memory manually at 1600 and 1.65v I can boot to windows but pcprobe2 cannot report memory spd, ballistix util reports unsuppotred mother board now but cpuz does show memory at 1600.
Again I have tried to reset bios, popped the battery, done the jumper etc etc. tried one stick at a time and even done a clean windows install but I still get same issues. As I happen to have not posted back the other memory i even tried the good stick from that, and same issue. Tried with each of the gpus's and even an old 8800GT i have lying around. Have run windows memory tool, intel cpu tool and they both came back with no errors.
So what do you advise as the next step as I am stumped? I doubt its the memory this time (in fact I suspect the MB of killing the first set of memory), cpu is unlikely as I have one of the most highly recommended psu's, doubt its the SSD as have done a clean install and its problems are prior to windows loading.
Is it time to RMA the MB?