"Also if you don't serve a customer as you think there rude then you lose money so
tbh who losses out? i know id serve anyone no matter what!"
Are you a fool? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't. And 1 customers money to a large company is not really going to make any difference to that companies profits. They have standards to uphold.
You do realise that it probably isnt anyone on heres fault that the RMA has taken "so long" (which it hasn't). They are just trying to sort things out for you. If you want bad customer service, go to pc world or savastore (they are appalling).
Reading all your posts I get the impression that you aren't very mature atall, you are acting like a spoilt ....
I for one hope that the scan guys can just fix this and get rid of this customer once and for all, im sure if they had known how rude you were going to be towards their staff they wouldn't have bothered atall!
As for not being pleased with the customer support, there are many many more people on here who will disagree with you, who have always had good experiences with scan, like myself. Even if they do make a foul up next time I order, of course it will be slightly annoying, but everyone makes mistakes, give them a chance.
Maybe one reason why its taken them so long is that they are trying to work out if you ase actually serious, your posts sound like a 13 year old texting someone.
TBH, I think this thread is pointless
TBH [/Sarcasm].