I hate Windows Media Player and never use it, but everytime I plug a USB stick, flash card, external hard drive or seemingly my little finger into a USB port the Windows Media Player sync dialogue pops up and has to be manually closed. I just want Windows Media Player to FOAD from my system (Vista 64), but I know that I can't safely uninstall it and after a while googling it seems the concensus is as follows:
80% of folk say there is nothing you can do, complete the wizard and let this hated piece of software that you never use leave hidden .xml files of MY information on every piece of flash memory that goes near my computer.
20% recommend registry hacks or otherwise unsafe methods to permanently break WMP and hopefully not too much else in the process.
Neither of which I'm keen on, but I've found someone recommending to disable WPDBusEnum aka Portable Device Enumerator Service. Is this last method safe? I do want windows to recognise when I plug in my WM phone and flash memory devices and work with them as before....just not launch the WMP sync dialogue. Or is there a better way of achieving this?