Well, I'm thinking about getting a new car (thanks to Rasta
); a Mondeo. I'm not sure whether to get the V6 petrol ST220, or the diesel 2.2TDCi ST. I don't do many miles to be honest (6000/year). The diesel is cheaper on tax and insurance, and could hold its value better. I also believe diesel engines handle a higher mileage better, but then I'm not looking to do a lot, nor planning on buying a high mileage car (thinking around 60,000 for a 06 plate sort of range). I think it's pretty much going to be a case of "6 of one, half a dozen of the other" in the long term, but all this talk of breaking even is making a once fairly straight forward choice a bit of a dilema now!
Having the diesel ST at the next LAN would mean I can get slated by
both Rasta for having a diesel and dave for having a Mondeo.