Good afternoon all.
It would appear my bullett proof Vectra has got a serious problem. Basically it got me to work fine yesterday but when I was driving home the engine cut out. I looked on the dash to see I had battery light on and oil light, but no ECU light.
Rolled it to a stop, got out, made saure I hadn't dropped engine parts anywhere on the road (I thought it was my Cambelt at first) popped the bonnet open to see nothing was wrong from just looking at it. Got back in turned the key. It would turn over but not actually fire up at all.
I kept turning it over every minute or so, and it was when a bloke in an X3 turned up to offer me a tow somewhere that as I was turning it over the engine fired into life. I got in and carried on driving home. Perhaps 2 miles down the road, right in the middle of a very busy main road it cut out again, no ECU light just the battery and oil light on.
After a bit of faffing about I called the AA who turned up some 10 minutes after I made the call. As it was dark it was hard for him to see what the problem was, but when we tried to start it we noticed that the ECU light wasn't coming on and neither was the fuel pump priming.
He faffed about for ages as bets he could checking wires and things (it was getting darker by the second) and by more luck than judgement it fired into life. He told me to drive it home and he'd follow me. Well I only got about 30 metres up the road and the same thing happened again.
So it got towed home as there was nowhere open on a Sunday to sort it.
Later when we moved it from the road to the drive so it was off the road and out of the way it started fine, fuel pump primed ECU light came on.
This morning I started it and left it go to see how long it would run before it would cut out again. 20 Minutes later it cut out. Wouldn't restart, no ECU light and no fuel pump priming.
Now the problem is that I can't drive it anywhere when it is running because I know half a mile down the road it will just die again. All the supposed mobile people that are qualified to look at this problem aren't answering their phones and I'm very close to calling a local scrap yard to just come and take the thing away.
I should point out it's 1.8 16 V on an X plate, I've never had a problem like this with it before, ever.