Well good news on the project front I am typing this update from the machine itself. !!!!
I've had a free day to work on the project so I've worked my backside off to get it up and running.
Task completed today were finishing the back panel, cleaning every panel and removing the plastic covering. After that I finished the fans off. Then I transfered everything over from the project bad apple case and got it working.
I had a few teathing problems to start with, it wouldnt boot fully into windows with my 9600 pro in but I soon sorted that.
After I got it booting I tried out the SATA adapter for the dvd drive and it works a treat thank god.
I've got a couple of things left to do including sorting out the lcd and getting the top on but thats for tommorow I'm knackered.
On to the pics ( Click on the thumbnails for full sized versions)
All the parts laid out ready to be put together:
The finished fans for some reason the led circuit is playing up on the one I've tested so I will have to check it tommorow:
The finished back panel with custom fan grill:
The machine nakid and booting:
The p4 connector which has a couple of leds modded into it:
The sata convertor in use:
The inner case in place
The back panel with everything hooked up:
I hope to have everything finished by tommorow if I can.
Any comments? Questions?