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Thread: Natwest Home Insurance - Avoid at all costs.

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    Agent of the System ikonia's Avatar
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    Natwest Home Insurance - Avoid at all costs.

    Today - Natwest home insurance beat me. I canceled my claim and will replace the items myself.

    I have been a loyal customer for four years due to getting a good deal with them due to my banking items with them.

    Last month I was burgled I lost 2 laptops, the contents of my laptop bag and a digicam.

    I lodged a claim with them for approx 2500 pounds due to estimated values.

    After a long and drawn out argument (I was told it would be 5 weeks before a loss adjuster could visit to start my claim) I got them to sound someone out within two weeks.

    they sent a person from "Cunningham Lindsey".

    The loss adjuster was pleasent took the details, crime reference etc etc and was on her way. I recived a letter from the loss adjuster requesting proof of purchase for the items be sent to the head office in Scotland. I was also informed that one laptop was not covered due to it being a work laptop taking the claim down to £2000. Hard to swallow but ok.

    Now I'll quote from the letter I was sent.

    As Discussed please forward proof of ownership for the loss items. This can include recipts, instruction manuals, gurantee documents, bank statments, photographs.
    As look would have it, most of my purchases where online

    I sent via email screens shots of my amazon and scan accounts detailing the items lost with purchase price, date purchased etc, I sent 2 pdf invoices digitially signed from for some memory that was in the laptop and in the bag, and a photo of my with a paper from the day of the loss adjusters visit holding the manuals for the note book.

    I was told today that this was not proof enough and had to request 2 years of bank statments and go through to pick out where the items potentially purchased, this is hard as it just says "scan £180" rather than the item and cost of the item in question. I was then told that because this just showed a purchase from scan not the individual item this was not good enough. I had morgan computers sent my a print out of my account details listing the laptop - which to be fair is the same as I do, take a screen shot of my account and hit "print" - this was not good enough.

    So short of actually providing the items that where stolen how in the world can I prove I owned the items, if online accounts are invalid, screenshots are invalid, bank statments don't have enough detail on and photographs are not acceptable.

    Now re-read the quote from the claims adjuster, documents (offered photos of my with manuals) bank statments (not detailed enough) receipts (can't use online ones) photographs (unacceptable).

    Keep also in mind that this claim has a crime number assigned to it and is for £2000 not £20,000

    Today I realised that no matter what I do they are looking for ways to not pay or to hold it up to the point that it is unacceptable, eg: it has taken over a month to get to this point.

    I strongly VERY strongly advise that you NEVER use natwest home insurance or an insurance company that uses cunningham Lindsey as a Loss Adjuster.

    If anyone is interested I'd be happy to scan the letter and share the photos I sent.

    The reason I've backed down on this as due to the claim for £2000 my home insurance has doubled for the next two years, potentially more, so by canceling the claim I've lost the hassle, will replace the items with the exact stuff I want from the shops I want and kept my insurance down. I've also done more research on the companies I'll be using in future.
    Last edited by ikonia; 10-07-2007 at 08:34 PM. Reason: Added details on new insurance.
    It is Inevitable.....

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    Saracen (10-07-2007)

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    You shouldn't back down!
    Try any body that could help, Trading standards, citizens advice.
    Get advice on where you stand from a nuetral perspective and see if you can push the claim foward, this is a tiny amount to them and represents a drop in the ocean for thier finances. We've seen with bank charges banks will pay up when threatened with legal action as it's not worth the hassel for them.
    Don't just give up!

  4. #3
    G4Z is offline
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    I agree, don't back down.

    Take them to court if necessary, i cannot imagine a reasonable magistrate ignoring all that evidence you have that shows proof of purchase. Also, why not contact the retailers and ask for hard copies of the invoices?

    I for one, will not be switching to Natwest when renewal time comes that is for sure!

  5. #4
    Hexus.Jet TeePee's Avatar
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    Talk to Scan. They are friendly types, they will, I'm sure, help out a forumer with a signed letter confirming purchase, etc.

    Insurance is a business, their 'profit' comes from making people give up!

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ikonia View Post

    Today I realised that no matter what I do they are looking for ways to not pay or to hold it up to the point that it is unacceptable, eg: it has taken over a month to get to this point.
    Insurance Companies, its their game, take money from you when everything is OK and then try to never give it you back when things arent, sad that we live in a world where thats so readily acceptable.

    On the topic of insurance, those insurance poilcies on loans, credit cards, etc.... for incase you fall ill or for some other reason cant make the payments are potentially the biggest con that is still allowed under law. They are nearly impossible to claim, I have never met a single person who ever knew what it really covered them for and what it didnt.

  7. #6
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    I know somebody who got made redundant and claimed on one for a loan, he than sat on his arse living with his parents for a year while they paid the rest of it off!

  8. #7
    No more Mr Nice Guy. Nick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by young_one View Post
    I have never met a single person who ever knew what it really covered them for and what it didnt.
    Well now you've met me.

    I've had two long term sicknesses which forced me to claim and both times the insurance company paid up.

    But, in Ikonia's case, I'd say NatWest are severely taking the pee.

    We had a minor cooker fire and wanted to claim from Norwich Union to find we didn't have accident cover, so no claim... but when we claimed under our fire cover we got a like for like replacement... meaning our cruddy old cooker (which was top of the range when new) was replaced with a brand spanking new top of the range cooker.

    Obviously NatWest are feeling dubious about the claim and so are making you jump through hoops.

    Go back to them with everything, do it in writing and follow up with a phone calls. Don't accept their word that your proof isn't good enough, argue it with them, tell them that you've proved being reasonable doubt that you did own the stolen items and keep hammering away at them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dareos View Post
    "OH OOOOHH oOOHHHHHHHOOHHHHHHH FILL ME WITH YOUR.... eeww not the stuff from the lab"

  9. #8
    Agent of the System ikonia's Avatar
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    Its all very easy said, but the truth is this is too much hassle for what its worth.

    while I agree it the case should not be to "give up" but the bottom line is for this low a claim its not worth the hassle of inflated insurance for 2 years, and the hassle of getting 2k out of them and there attempts to force you out of claiming.

    I have no idea why they may feel dubious about a claim, and to be honest I suspect that has nothing to do with it, they have a crime reference and a police report, I've been open and honest explaining that one laptop was a works one and one a personal one, I've not cliamed for 20k's worth of stuff, I've claimed for laptop, camera, portable hard disk, two sets of headphones a usb memory stick and a sd card that was in the camera, 2 sets of ram, one in the laptop one to be taken to the office. Offered them access to my amazon and scan accounts offered them photos of the said kit / boxes, manuals from the laptop and bank statments. I suspect this is just their policy to make you go away.

    I'm in the process of investigating ombudsman insurance complaints against the. But as we are a month in, no further and this looks like it will be dragged on for a while, sometimes cutting loses and moving on is the best way to do so. I thought I'd share my experience with you guys to stop you falling foul of their dubious policy. Silly things like going to live earth on Saturday and not having a camera or the ability to buy a new one not knowing if your going to get the money/camera at any point just interferes with life a bit more than it should. Taking a large ammount of data around without a laptop or portable hard disk was just becoming a pain after a month. If there was light at the end of the tunnel I would be bothered but all the stalling just makes me feel bugger it, I'll sort this out, speak to my solicitors and warn people about the poor treatment.

    I've just replaced everything bar the laptop on amazon so I'll be getting my stuff on Thursday.
    It is Inevitable.....

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ikonia View Post
    ...I've been open and honest explaining that one laptop was a works one and one a personal one, I've not cliamed for 20k's worth of stuff..
    There's your problem right there Insurance companies (especially assesors) will look for any bit of rope to hang you with (not that you've done anything wrong). I used to work at an insurance company and the two golden rules are:

    1) Give them the bare minimum they ask for as the more information you give them, the more reasons they have to refuse a claim.

    2) Call them. LOTS!!! These people have a job to do and if you constantly bug them, they're more likely to settle your claim quickly (providing you've got a good claim and are not trying it on). If settling your claim will get rid of you, they'll most likely approve your claim, especially if you start making noises about taking them to the FSA (the FSA has some pretty serious teeth so they'll usually try and avoid this if they know they're going to lose).

    Like others have said, insurance companies are here to make money and the less they pay out in claims, the more they make.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ikonia View Post
    Its all very easy said, but the truth is this is too much hassle for what its worth.

    while I agree it the case should not be to "give up" but the bottom line is for this low a claim its not worth the hassle of inflated insurance for 2 years, and the hassle of getting 2k out of them and there attempts to force you out of claiming.

    I have no idea why they may feel dubious about a claim, and to be honest I suspect that has nothing to do with it, they have a crime reference and a police report, I've been open and honest explaining that one laptop was a works one and one a personal one, I've not cliamed for 20k's worth of stuff, I've claimed for laptop, camera, portable hard disk, two sets of headphones a usb memory stick and a sd card that was in the camera, 2 sets of ram, one in the laptop one to be taken to the office. Offered them access to my amazon and scan accounts offered them photos of the said kit / boxes, manuals from the laptop and bank statments. I suspect this is just their policy to make you go away.

    I'm in the process of investigating ombudsman insurance complaints against the. But as we are a month in, no further and this looks like it will be dragged on for a while, sometimes cutting loses and moving on is the best way to do so. I thought I'd share my experience with you guys to stop you falling foul of their dubious policy. Silly things like going to live earth on Saturday and not having a camera or the ability to buy a new one not knowing if your going to get the money/camera at any point just interferes with life a bit more than it should. Taking a large ammount of data around without a laptop or portable hard disk was just becoming a pain after a month. If there was light at the end of the tunnel I would be bothered but all the stalling just makes me feel bugger it, I'll sort this out, speak to my solicitors and warn people about the poor treatment.

    I've just replaced everything bar the laptop on amazon so I'll be getting my stuff on Thursday.

    The hole situation would have me so angry i would have to act.
    It's because so many people can't be bothered with the hassle that they try these things in the first place!
    Find your paper work that they asked for in the first place and then phone citizens advice and trading standards and get your money!
    You can't just dismiss £2000 of your money, thats a hell of a lot to not bother about!

  12. #11
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    If you back down.....what the grand funk central are you continuing to pay for insurance with them for?!!

  13. #12
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    I agree with Andy3536 - don't back down.

    If you have a reasonable claim, and it certainly sounds like you do, then argue your case. But play the them at their own game.

    Step 1). Make the claim.

    Step 2). Reject their unfair exclusions (though they may have you on the work laptop, if that's what the policy says.

    Step 3). If you can't reach a satisfactory settlement, complain. Write a relative brief but clear letter explaining what your complaint is, and what you want. Wait for their response.

    Once you've complained, you have to give the company a chance to respond. If you either are not happy with their "final response", or they have had eight weeks and not sent one, then .... and this is the fun bit ....

    Step 4). Contact the company again (in writing is probably best) and ask for the contact details of the Financial Ombudsman. Yeah, I know you can look it up online, but don't. Ask the company. Why? Because, if you refer a complaint to the Ombudsman, it won't cost you a penny but, as I understand it, the insurance company has to pay a fee per referral. As a result, they don't like cases being referred at all, and if they're trying it on, they're likely to back off in a hurry. At the very least, you can be a right nuisance to them, and that alone gets their attention.

    Oh, and thanks for the story. I'm just about to renew home insurance and was on the verge of using NatWest. After that story, I think not.

  14. #13
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    I'm not paying insurance with them any more - I've cancled my policy and gone with one of two other companies starting tommorow after doing some serious research into them and their claims policies.

    If you re-read what I've said I'm not "doing nothing" I'm in contact with a solicitor and ombudsman in regard to pursuing this futher. The reason I've let this slide on terms on not getting paid is that using my corperate accounts I've managed to replace all items and found a few options on replacment laptops for approx £1300 - ok I've had to shop around and use some corperate discounts that I wouldnt' have done with £2000 in my pocket minus my £100 excess and the whole lot comes to approx £1200. As I've said the cost of £1200 now to get my items back exactly how I want them and stop interfearing with my life and making £60 worth of phone calls a week to them, taking time off work to allow for assesors to come around and most importantly doubling my home insurance preimum for the next two years is for me worth it have a solid state of mind knowing that my items have been replaced how I wanted in a time scale that was acceptable to me and my home insurance renewalls are now safe for a few more years without massive overheads for the sake of £2000. In terms of them paying out for the £2000 worth of kit, they have gotten away with it, in terms of getting away with this type of action they have not. Sometimes its not about the money its about life, I have a million and one other things to do at the moment and the inconvienence of not having a laptop/mass storage/camera intruding on my life is something I can do without. In the mean time my solicitors will be onto natwest shortly, but I now don't have to worry or care about it.

    re-read what I've typed they are not getting away with anything
    It is Inevitable.....

  15. #14
    Flat cap, Whippets, Cave. Clunk's Avatar
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    I also think you should give them what for. I had a claim with Nat west a while ago and their claims department was fine, it was the people that they subcontracted to that were a bit shifty.

    Definately challenge them, and if needed, get in touch with the insurance ombudsman.

    Its a 2 grand claim fer fecks sake!
    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzen View Post
    stupid betond belief.
    You owe it to yourself to click here really.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ikonia View Post
    I'm not paying insurance with them any more - I've cancled my policy and gone with one of two other companies starting tommorow after doing some serious research into them and their claims policies.

    If you re-read what I've said I'm not "doing nothing" I'm in contact with a solicitor and ombudsman in regard to pursuing this futher. The reason I've let this slide on terms on not getting paid is that using my corperate accounts I've managed to replace all items and found a few options on replacment laptops for approx £1300 - ok I've had to shop around and use some corperate discounts that I wouldnt' have done with £2000 in my pocket minus my £100 excess and the whole lot comes to approx £1200. As I've said the cost of £1200 now to get my items back exactly how I want them and stop interfearing with my life and making £60 worth of phone calls a week to them, taking time off work to allow for assesors to come around and most importantly doubling my home insurance preimum for the next two years is for me worth it have a solid state of mind knowing that my items have been replaced how I wanted in a time scale that was acceptable to me and my home insurance renewalls are now safe for a few more years without massive overheads for the sake of £2000. In terms of them paying out for the £2000 worth of kit, they have gotten away with it, in terms of getting away with this type of action they have not. Sometimes its not about the money its about life, I have a million and one other things to do at the moment and the inconvienence of not having a laptop/mass storage/camera intruding on my life is something I can do without. In the mean time my solicitors will be onto natwest shortly, but I now don't have to worry or care about it.

    re-read what I've typed they are not getting away with anything

    Actually you first said

    The reason I've backed down on this as due to the claim for £2000 my home insurance has doubled for the next two years, potentially more, so by canceling the claim I've lost the hassle, will replace the items with the exact stuff I want from the shops I want and kept my insurance down. I've also done more research on the companies I'll be using in future.

    Understandable how we didn't think you were doing anything as you never said you were persuing the matter untill your second post.
    But anyway make sure they end up footing the bill!

  17. #16
    Agent of the System ikonia's Avatar
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    I had a claim with Nat west a while ago and their claims department was fine, it was the people that they subcontracted to that were a bit shifty.
    I would probably agree with this statment, but natwest are in the end responsible and I'm sorry to say they just couldn't care less.
    It is Inevitable.....

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