Quote Originally Posted by shane_j View Post
Hi i finaly managed to land a job but the pay is 4k below my asking price. originaly the guy said that my proposed salary was fine for a person with 1 year exp. i have popped in an email to the guy asking if its possible if i can start close to my proposed asking price.

is this ok? is the company just seeing how desperate i am to land a job? if it was my company i probably would of offered the same for a person in my position. i mean if i can persuade someone to work abit cheaper then what they are deserved then why not? after all its me who's paying there wages right?

But the interesting part is that the guy said my proposed starting salary was fine so why make it lower? ummm
£4K seems a bit of a drop on what I presume is a fairly low wages (going by the experience level), I'd see if I could negotiate a bit more. Offer them a compromise between what you originally talked about and the offer they've made. Don't worry if you can't get it though, you'll still have a job so there're opportunities for pay rises.