Originally Posted by
*dig, dig*
Indeed Sir.
On the natural disasters front, lets look at some.
The Permian-Triassic extinction event, for instance. Thats a good one. 96% of ikkle swimmin things and 70% of wikkle crawlin things went right up the wall. Nowt to do with good old homo sapiens though, was it? Perhaps the Conodonts weren't recycling enough of their glass bottles.
And what about these 'killer' floods in the UK, huh? Surely a sign of the end time. Surely not long now until Jawsus returns for the final battle between good and Man Utd. These floods are like nothing that has been seen before... apart from the 1887 Yellow River flood in China, which killed between 900,000 and 2,000,000 people. And this flood is not even the most deadly flood for that particular river. It flooded again in 1937, killing even more. 2 million people Vs a couple of dish washers. And what did you call them? Natural disasters? Not even worthy of the name, sunshine.
And what, pray, caused these Chinese floods? Perhaps Mrs Wang was in the habit of keeping her TV on stand-by? Nope, it was silt on the riverbed and heavy rain.
I also have a feeling the Black Death probably had little to do with a lack of cardboard recycling facilities, and yet it still wiped out 30-60% of the peeps in Europe. Even the French, with their famously high standards of hygiene were mown down like garlic plants in a hurricane.
So don't give me the whole 'the worlds gone mad, run for the hills, but don't even run for the hills, because the hills are mad as well - THE WORLD AND THE HILLS ARE IN CAHOOTS, THEY MEAN TO KILL US ALL!'
In perspective, those floods that happened the other year in the UK were pretty piss-ant disasters. Don't you agree?
See, the Earth, from when it came into being (about 6.4 billion years ago if you are sane, about 6000 years ago if you are American) has always been getting hotter, then colder, then hot, hot, hot , then cold, so cold
Its what the Earth does. Are you pinning the cause of the Medieval Warm Period on us lot? Perhaps Henry II was a bit over the top with his hair spray usage? They didn't know about CFCs in those days, you see.
So do I think its a con? No. I think our species are contributing to the general, long-term warming of the Earth because of our massive use of oil, coal and scratch cards, BUT the Earth was getting warmer, cooler, and all sorts of other things ending in 'er' long before the creatures we evolved from, evolved. Actually, before the things they evolved from evolved. And probably even before that.
On average, for the last 6 years, the Earth has been getting colder. 2006 was colder than 2005, which was colder than 2004.
It's now June and I'm looking out the window at the drizzle. Not the palm trees - the drizzle.
So, although we might be dirty bitching the place up, don't take every little thing that goes wrong as a sign that our time, and indeed the time of this ball of rock we live on, is up.
We aren't ready to go the way of the Transformers (or indeed the piss-ants) just yet...