In this life, in this world, there are many wrong things.
There is Alphabeat, Cancer and most of all, The Daily Mail, whose sole purpose seems to be to create unrest, hatred and disharmony. And middle Britain loves it. Sad reflection.
A longa longa longa long time ago, before the rain, before the snow, I had stories published in The Daily Mail, but only hard news stuff, so I won't go to whatever version of hell exists if there is an afterlife.
The Daily Mail, come to think of it, is a cancer. All it does is get people angry with lies and exaggerations which stresses people. And stress, as we now know, is the prime cause of most illnesses, particularly heart problems and cancer.
Gawd bless Associated Newspapers
I think that might be a pessimist scenario. I won't say it will never happen, you asked for a prediction earlier, but I did not try because I feel I have about as much chance of predicting the weather 5 weeks from now than I have of predicting the population breakdown 50 years from now (and I am not keen on over-extrapolating). Besides I am not too sure how trustworthy much of the data are out there, hold this thought until the census 2011
I guess the reason I am not too worried is because the Muslims I know have all been rather moderate, not at all pushy about their faiths and I just don't think are a threat to me. And I also suspect that we all draw a line somewhere, and would become outraged if they are crossed. And I think should that happen, mainstream parties will try to tackle them in their policies. You may think it's too late then, but I also think it's too early to panic. Let's revisit the issue in 10-15 years
I DO run a very successful business and the turnover is £8.5M+ per year. Is that good enough for you?
Not some crumby little shop or a filthy factory.
I also read fine thankyou.
Secondly, can you not see how your comments earlier about not employing British people make YOU look like the racist and no-one else?
Would you be happy if in my first post i stated that 'unless you are english and white i will not employ you'!
People like you would be up in arms and screaming facist from the roof tops. Just because you are not white/British you deem it acceptable, and when challenged you cry like a victim.
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Any thread you get involved in, when someone doesn't agree with you, you get personal.
That really does show a lack of ability in all areas doesn't it.
If the only argument you can muster is that i have a low IQ and i'm a BNP member then that's fine. Let your tiny inagination run away with you.
Facts remain though that neither is correct and you are making yourself look more idiotic each time you post.
Congratulations with the business, but I'm not here to compete with someone like you. If your only way to attack me is by stating I am stupid, which any old person can do, then I'll just ignore you from now on.
And if you want to boast about your monies, boast with net profit (or would that upset the Taxman?), because turnover could be £1billion, but you actually spend 99% in the process of making it.
Think you need to go back and recap would you said in those posts, even quote them and requote them, no one makes two posts like you did and not in someway shape or form not support the BNP / and / or / be racist / insecure / in one way or another regarding nativity.If the only argument you can muster is that i have a low IQ and i'm a BNP member then that's fine. Let your tiny inagination run away with you.
Facts remain though that neither is correct and you are making yourself look more idiotic each time you post.
"No free speech" - In a BNP thread?
"How about go and start a business in your native country" - This is not a personal post after I stated my bloodline? If that isn't, then I'm black.
"Polish people are not better and they are cheaper" - And you run a successul business of £8.5m a year? Doing what? Got lucky in the Internet boom?
We ended up choosing Europeans over English because of experience (51 years at that), unless we had pockets filled with money now to spend on workers, we would have to pay twice or three times the amount we pay the guys from Eastern Europe to get the same job done.
For example, one of our builders, fully licensed, if they were English, they would be charging stupid money, way over £60,000 for work, but we can hire someone from Poland for a lot lower, who does the same and in most of our cases a better quality job, and in almost EVERY case, gets it done quicker - So cheaper yes, but when you buy a TV for £30 cheaper in Sainsburys that it is in Tescos, does that mean it's dodgy in someway? Or are they trying to make a bit on the side?
Don't believe me, go and watch that Documentry that was aired on Watchdog or the BBC last year I think it was regarding foreign and local builders, because that is reality, and they proved it to millions in the first take.
Oh, and call it racism if you wish, but in our experience, it's fact.
0iD - General discussion is for real discussion, not to agree on everything.
Last edited by SammEl; 27-04-2010 at 08:39 AM.
me too, 2 of the nicest people i know are Muslim. it's a case of "mob mentality", when a group grows their demands grow and the true aims of the group become apparent. (not that i think Islam has a concious aim to dominate) but it will by default.
I fear trouble, before this.
Remember that XKCD graph, 'my hobby extrapolating'?
You should be more worried that vegetarian will rise up and take over the world*, as there are more vegetarian options on the menu at food outlets than there are Halal.
Halal in KFC is hardly a beach head, its mearly a business milking them for their money! Think the two piece variety meal, large naturally is about £5. Do you think that's got more than 80 pence wholesale chicken in it? I doubt it. It also has limited nutritional value, so if anything you should be pleased they are eating it, as they will be fat and to unfit to rise up!
* Obviously this won't happen, they don't have enough protein in their diet to put up a fight.
But in seriousness, it seams that it is a phobia of having your state changed due to an influx, this is understandable, we've got something, not exactly how we like it, but for every person we 'let in' due to democracy etc we give them more power to change it.
However I think you will find the number of people who come here just to escape the pressures of the system they left such as those dogmatic laws, far exceed the disaffected minority who wish to impose them.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
You might not want to pick a fight with an 19yo as to who's got the bigger business.
His family, from what I've gathered in other threads bet, and I'll use that term rather than "take a view" on property. He also said they've declared bankruptcy on more than one occasion. I'm guessing they just kept betting hiding behind week bankruptcy laws and a lack of trust due to the stupidity of certain lenders (caused ultimately by bad control of base rates, well with the power of hindsight bad rates, at the time they thought they where been clever.....)
As such I would 100% agree with them, the polish are better educated and trained in their craft and a lot cheaper, more professional (ie show up on time) on the whole.
Now at the other end of the scale there are industries like the city, which pay extortionate amounts to head hunting (last time it cost me £45k in fees to find a relatively junior dev with the maths knowledge needed!). We have that kind of chronic shortage, so we attract them from all over the world, which ultimately makes my consultancy fees lower because I'm one in a hundred rather than one in twenty. But at the same time it helps me because it allows my industry to grow, in turn making more demand.
As such in my industry I wouldn't say one is 'better' than the other, that is moronically racist, and given the mobility of been highly skilled, there is almost total pay equality, as once someone's been relo'd they will have offers for other jobs in 3 months if they're good.
Maybe this is why I just don't 'get it' because I live in a highly skilled bubble world of jobs, where there is such shortage having all the people with the requisite knowledge in the world move here would do me no real harm at all.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
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