I didn't take offence, if that's what you're worried about, I'd prefer people ask than just assume I'm a sheep!
Yes - I believe in God etc
No - I'm an atheist
I don't believe in a single word of it, the way I see it, its a collection of stories for people to turn to in need, nothing more nothing less.
Steam: (Grey_Mata) || Hexus Trust
Thanks, Elmo, I particularly like the way you assume that religion is a safety net; naturally, the only possible reason for belief in a higher power than oneself is fear or stupidity. And obviously we must be being "compelled" like "sheep". We're all weaklings after all, aren't we?
The insufferable arrogance evinced by statements like that really starts to annoy me after a while; it's apparently OK for atheists to be as insulting about someone else's faith as they like. Let one person speak of their faith here, though, let one person state their faith and stand by it, not try to convert anyone, mind, just state their faith and the atheist thought police are up in arms again.
For what it's worth, I was not raised in any sort of religious fashion; my father is a Roman Catholic, but he was out of the picture for most of the time I was growing up. My mother is at least agnostic, and my stepfather was atheist.
I would further note that the Christian faith is not intrinsically opposed to science at all; we're just as curious about how the universe works as anyone. As to the "why", well, we just happen to feel that there are causes beyond the purely mechanical for things.
Now I don't spend my life judging other people for their beliefs; I don't think that being a Christian makes me better than the next person, and it certainly doesn't make my life easier. It's not a stick that I use to beat other people over the head; it's a demand placed upon me, not something that I demand of others.
As to why my faith exists, you've got me; I can't prove it, I didn't even have it until my very late twenties, and it sure as hell had nothing to do with compulsion or fear. And guess what? I don't feel that I have to prove you wrong. It's simply that I feel in my heart that God is there, that he loves us (even when we screw up) and that he demonstrated that love by sending his only son to teach us and to die for us, and to rise again to give us faith in eternal life.
Guess what? I don't demand that you believe the same thing. I don't demand that anyone does. I would respectfully ask that you lay off the utterly gratuitous insults, however.
But being offensive is?
Elmo is entitled to her opinion as is as entitled as you are to express her opinion.
I totally agree with you on that!Originally Posted by Alex
Love, Peace and Linux
I don't mind being questioned, I don't mind other people holding different opinions to me, I don't mind them stating those opinions. I do mind when the questions and opinions are laden with gratuitous insult. And Elmo's used exactly the same kind of patronising and insulting language before, and attacked people for daring to state their faith. THAT I have a problem with.
I didn't notice a particularly offensive slant to it. I noticed an opinion that religion is a safety net, followed by her questioning of religion in general.
Nichomach, i understand that you might feel offended by my first post, but as i stated in my last one, it wasnt meant to offend or insult. I'm mearly trying to understand why you feel the need(?) (i dunno what the word is) to practice your religion in particular. i wasnt dissing you for it, i just, personally, dont find it plausable. I find the idea of some higher force, plausable, but not all the stories etc like those in the bible. I'm sorry if this has offended you. As has been said, i'm intitled to my opinion just as you are yours, but please, dont attack me when all i'm trying to do is understand. I didnt go out of my way to deliberately attack you personally.
OK, then I'll settle for it being *ahem* unfortunately phrased...
i used the phrase "sheep" as that is how it SEEMS to me as i dont understand it. I dont understand WHY you would think exactly the same way as someone else, nevermind millions of other people.....
i'm not going to lie and i'm not going to soft cushion my thoughts and/or oppinions, i say it how i'm thinking, i'm sorry if that offends.
Ah! But why would you assume that I did? There are millions of Christians, sure, and we agree on certain basic things; the existence of God, Christ etc, but there are MASSIVE variances of opinion even within the same denomination on matters of faith, let alone anything else. We're not robots marching in lockstep, we're individuals who happen to share some beliefs which are the same. You're an atheist; do you thinhk exactly the same as all other atheists? I highly doubt it; were I to suggest that you did, you might feel, well, miffed, perhaps?
i'm not an athiest, i believe in a higher force, but i dont believe in god as an entity or any of the other stuff related to christianity. If you read what i said in my very first post then you'll see what i do believe in. These are my own beliefs and dont fit into any one religion. But i'm not athiest and therefore your statement is wrong on principle.
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