I had one incident about 6 months ago while walking to uni in Liverpool. Now, i've always had hassle from some of the neighbourhood kids (for not looking like them), but in the past it's always been verbal, or maybe the odd football kicked in my direction (none of them are gonna make it to the youth squad...).
There I was, minding my own business, listening to some mp3s while walking to a lecture, when i turned the corner and saw a bunch of about 8 scallies, aged between 12 and 18. I did my normal trick of ignoring them, but as I got close, the youngest one punched me in the face. No reason, nothing said, just a punch. I didnt move (my huge Swear boots are great for grounding yourself
), and just looked at him. His mates circle me, but give me a wide birth, and start hurling insults.
Now, i've done a fair bit of martial arts, but im a pacifist, and it wouldn't really look like self defense if i floored the 12 year old oik that hit me, so i told the kid that he hits like a girl, andcarried on walking. They parted to let me through, but as i get about 10 paces away they start lobbing rocks at me. Thankfully none hit me, so i casually walked away, weaving in between parked cars.
Kids nowadays, no respect, wish we could just backhand the little gits with as much impunity as they enjoy on an everyday basis.