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Thread: Chav Tales...

  1. #65
    Moving shadows... Zedmeister's Avatar
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    From the other post:

    On my way to work I have to pass 2 (Yes 2!!) jobcentres. The amount of chavness in there is unreal. One time, this particularly narsty chavette with a mini-chav in a burberry rompersuit, was in there collecting her wages. The kid was just left in its pram and was being sick everywhere (Too much Maccy D's or maybe lead poisoning from the fake bling). She just ignored it then walked out and left the mess everywhere!

    Another time, this chav was throwing a fit in the place, tipping chairs over, chucking stationary everywhere and generaly marauding about the place (Probably upset at the fact that he's been denied his giro. And he's so close to getting that Nova or some Fake Burberry). Eventually the police (The station is over the road from the office - convinient ) were called and manhandled this chav (IE beat him with battens and cuffed him none-too-gently ) and then bundled him to the cop-shop.

    Actually Cov is quite well designed in dealing with chavs. 4 (I kid you not) jobcentres are in close proximity to each other, with the cop shop over the road from 2 of them. Next door to the police station is the magistrates court. The police station has a tunnel leading directly from its underground cells to the basement of the court! Fast track or what? One of the job centres even has a family planning and sexual health clinic next door to one of them!!!! So for the average chav day its: STD treatment/Morning after pill then wages then arrest followed by a court appearance!!!

  2. #66
    Now with added sobriety Rave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bazzlad
    And I merely stated that: Working class Britian didn't have much of a heart to tear out, and if it was to be torn, it would have been black. There is no greed akin to that of a person capable of working being on the dole and living off Mr Blairs Nanny state.
    What the hell? It was this Labour government that did away with unemployment benefit and turned it into the Job Seeker's Allowance. It was Labour who stipulated that to claim the dole you must be actively seeking to get a job. That doesn't mean that the system doesn't still get abused of course, but it was Labour who have at least attempted to combat the problem of long term dole spongers. One of their few (partial) successes IMO.

    You're a great one for accusing people of being young to remember stuff (or too old to know what's going on), but can you actually remember anything that happened more than, say, two years ago?

    Here's a quick quote I found after a minute on google:

    During the December to February period, the total number of people in work rose to its highest level since records begun in 1979.
    Since 1979, that is, when the last Labour Government left office. Unemployment is a Tory creation.

    Rich :¬)

  3. #67
    Senior Member RVF500's Avatar
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    As I recall unemployment was bad during the 70's which is probably why they didn't want records published. High unemployment was particularly bad in the early 90's due to a global recession. I know, I was trying to find work at that time after leaving the army. A situation that didn't ease until about early '94. The situation was even worse in Europe. I don't think the tories had much iinfluence there so can hardly be blamed for the overall situation. I also recall we came out of recession before Europe did. Perhaps we can blame Thatcher for that?

    The miners strike was about the government curbing the power of the unions which was threatening to cripple the country again, as they did under 'old' labour and the unions trying to gain control over the country. Most working class Britons at the time (myself included) did not mourn their slip from power. Labour was unelectable at this time due to their adherance to the concept of giving power back to the unions. Notice, new labour has'nt rushed to empower the unions again. They're not that daft.

    Unemployment is more a creation of better technology requiring less people to do the jobs that required an employed person than the fault of any political party. Self employed people are not recorded in the jobless totals so when they are not working this is not reflected inthe figures. The figures are doubtless manipulated. It would be interesting to know the true figures of people who have taken it upon themselves to provide themselves with work as opposed to taking a permanent position. And to show these figures in relation to the working population over the same time period.

    Instead of protecting individual uneconomically viable jobs perhaps we should concentrate on protecting businesses that create jobs. Promoting growth of existing and new businesses to mitigate the effects of technology advances by requiring more people to staff growth sites.

    On the other hand one can always tax the businesses 'til the pips sqeak' and put in such a raft of red tape that businesses pull their horns in and concentrate more on consolidating their positions and simply returning a profit.

    As chavs never hold a job then they are probably also not included in the jobless figures as staying on the dole is a full time occupation for them (feeble attempt to stay on thread I know)
    Last edited by RVF500; 21-10-2004 at 02:00 PM.
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  4. #68
    Registered+ Zathras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RVF500
    As I recall unemployment was bad during the 70's which is probably why they didn't want records published. High unemployment was particularly bad in the early 90's due to a global recession. I know, I was trying to find work at that time after leaving the army. A situation that didn't ease until about early '94.
    The actual low was in 76, with a peak during the Thatcher years in the mid 80s, as seen on the site here:
    Unemployment has fallen massively since Labour came to power. How much of that is down to Labour's socio-economic policies and how much is to do with an upturn in the national economy (which again may/may not be a result of Labour's policies) is up for argument but the figures are pretty difficult to argue with, not that it'll stop people trying.

  5. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Woman
    I believe "chavs" originated from Chatham, Kent....
    Hehe, I was born and raised there, In a spot called Borstool (I cannea remember the spelling) - named because that's where first childrens prison - Borstool (someone please correct me speeling) was built.... and it was unbelievable, chav's everywhere...

    My favorite chav quote has to been uttered by some 'orrible chav large chav mother taking her kid to nursery, she said summit along the lines of "I don't know why they keep sending me these bloody letters, they know I can't read 'em"

    Oh, the memories...

  6. #70
    Senior Member RVF500's Avatar
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    I'm not disagreeing with your figures Zathras. I may disagree with how they've been presented and what groups have been left out at different times i.e school leavers, self employed.

    But that's not really relevant to my point that political parties aren't neccesarily creators of unemployment. As we can see it was around before the tories. Also the social and economic changes taking place at these times. For example a technology boom. Telecom companies for example. With the rapid advances that were made in telecoms technology the incumbant workforce was significantly redundant. The typing pool, for years a staple part of the admin in any company, became largely redundant with the advent of the desk top pc and the paperless office. Filing clerks etc.

    It would be interesting to look at the type of jobs that went and when they went in relation to the technology available. Also world events at the time of higher periods of unemployment. So instead of the convenience of pointing the finger of blame at one group, or even one person. Perhaps people should try thinking out of the box once in a while.
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  7. #71
    Senior Member RVF500's Avatar
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    Hey Rave, have a look at the PC chav thread started by Vaul.

    Come out of the closet mate
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  8. #72
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    • bouncin's system
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    chavs originated in salford. originally salford boys. Blame the happy mondays

  9. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by schrickvr6
    OT but if you did that to my cat i'd shoot you in the face...

    cats are rodents anyway

  10. #74
    sneaks quietly away. schmunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the insaan
    cats are rodents anyway
    No they're not.

  11. #75
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    You can tell they're Labour supporters..... The statisics are obviously 100 true and show the whole truth. hahah!

  12. #76
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    I'd get loads fo statistics and quotes to back up my views, but I really can't be bothered, learn this:
    My view is DIFFERENT form yours. I DISAGREE with you.
    Continuing with your lies, damn lies and statistics, really really won't change that.

    Seriously. Let the Kev Bashing continue.

  13. #77
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    Just because his opinion differs from yours doesn't make it wrong either,it works both ways tbh, it doesn't really matter which one of you is right as this thread is about chav related stories not working class britain and where society all went wrong because as you can see society already has gone wrong and any amount of argument isn't going to change it.

  14. #78
    Senior Member RVF500's Avatar
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    After todays figures on expenses all chavs now want to become politicians. Where else can you get £130 000 + tax free for doing the square root of f*ck all. They could do without the £58000 in wages added to that.

    You can buy loads of Argos jewelery for £130 000 and a nice kevved up nova to drive it around in
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  15. #79
    mutantbass head Lee H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncin
    chavs originated in salford. originally salford boys. Blame the happy mondays
    LOL really ? well seeing as I'm from Salford - at that time of the era, I for one did not see any tracksuit pants tucked into the socks of anyone round here or stripey jumpers until lacosse and the other usual suspects came into affect and fashion for the Chavs/scallies etc.

    I'll admit theres a few scallies round here, but to say it started over 10 years ago in Manchester due to the happy mondays is quiet funny actually

    I'm off to dig out all my old photo's too see if there are any Chav "stereotypes" in any of the photo's backgrounds.

  16. #80
    MAS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zedmeister
    On my way to work I have to pass 2 (Yes 2!!) jobcentres. The amount of chavness in there is unreal. One time, this particularly narsty chavette with a mini-chav in a burberry rompersuit, was in there collecting her wages.
    Nuh uh. 'Wages' implied she worked for the money. The most strenuous thing she probably does is drop her trackie bottoms several times a day for Kev, Ned, and the rest of the gang.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zedmeister
    Eventually the police (The station is over the road from the office - convinient ) were called and manhandled this chav (IE beat him with battens and cuffed him none-too-gently ) and then bundled him to the cop-shop.
    God bless police brutality

    Quote Originally Posted by Zedmeister
    So for the average chav day its: STD treatment/Morning after pill then wages then arrest followed by a court appearance!!!
    *dies laughing*

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