I probably should have pointed out that my comment wasn't related to "In / Out", more a general comment that increasing our population any further is just making our existing problems worse. Now as someone who doesn't have kids and won't be around in 20-30years time it's not really going to affect me. So my perspective is more a "it's an interesting thought experiment", with some rather unpleasant conclusions. Thus if you want to carry on as is, be my guest, but in the long run the people of this country will have to pay the price.
Oh and as an aside if you think Europe is going to keep it's borders open, think again. The working age population of Africa is set to increase by approximately 1Billion over the next 15-20years. Now miracles may happen and Africa sorts itself out* then this won't be a problem. However, it is more likely that they won't and a large number will look north and think "I'd like a piece of that". So once they start migrating and people really start getting "anti-immigrant" they'll have no choice but to enforce real border control.
*Though that will likely require the EU to stop shafting it royally