The flaw in the logic:
* you don't have any model for social distancing global deaths for flu
* the data for deaths on coronavirus is with mitigation (half the world on lockdown)
* flu kills upto 500k a year
* covid19 without mitigation in the US alone estimated to kill 2.2m (upper estimate)
* flu in the US without mitigation estimated to kill 61,000 (upper estimate)
* death toll in the US in 2 days will surpass the total the for yearly death from flu 12,000 (lower estimate)
* your statement of less deadly than flu goes against all the worlds offical estimates 1% vs 0.1%
* you fail to take into account flu can be asymptomatic
* you fail to take into account under unreported flu estimates but apply the oppersite logic to coronavirus.
data from the CDC website
so i'll leave it there you are clearly in the Bolsonaro camp, and your points are dogmatic, no point continuing the discussion.