Originally Posted by
What does exactly does bombing iran do precisely? It doesn't get the soliders back and stretches our forces further, when the only sensible thing is to get Iraq into as stable as state as possible over the next 12-18 months and get our forces back home.
WHY?, because them being there is not helping the longer term situation, the situation (at least in my opinion) is fueling extremism, as the situation is there on peoples doorsteps.
Long term peace will only come by trying to stop the root cause of violence. That is someone getting into peoples faces and trying to piss them off. Back off and let them be and the amount of aggro you get dramatically reduces. Sure it doesn't stop there will always be extremists but the amount should be yes.
Democracy is all about being able to express your opinion, that means people can say we don't want to get involved in wars that are merited.
I fully support the first gulf war and think they should have done what they are doing now should have been done at the time.