I earnt £4.20 an hour as a kitchen porter, because i was good n fast at it. Now had it not been for a desire to earn more money i wouldn't of bettered myself, i wouldn't of gone to uni, i'd of been happy with it, and i'm not saying i make a massive impact on the world, but everyone like me, who is motivated by greed actually does help. There is no way on earth i'd take my present job over KP'ing if they paid the same. I'd probably live about 5 years longer too.Originally Posted by JPreston;947975So, given we don't have wildly different histories why do we disagree on this subject? Partly the principle that [i
If your earning £4an hour, its your fault. Sorry but thats life.
It was my fault i got chucked out of secondary school. Granted i could of sued one of the teachers (oh, no legal aid) when i found out what fully transpired, but still, it was my fault, because i could of avoided it. The i was 13 excuse doesn't wash, the my sister was having a nurvus break down whilst my mum was given 3 months to live (incorrectly) isn't extenuating circumstance, because i could of avoided leaving main stream ed, and most likely got a fair few a*s.
I could also of got a job that pays an extra £10k a year for pretty much the same work, but guess what, the CV i sent was terrible.
Now why does it hurt that someone else is on £50m. Can't you just be happy for them, they earnt it. They genuinally earnt it, its not as if they won the lottery. Years of hard work, dedication, some luck and some very good judgment calls will of lead too it.