So your a commie then?
Hey thats fine, history has shown us it to be nothing but a great sucsess with fantastic environmental benefits.
Well except for, hmm every communist country. Russia's legacy of environmental devistation is truely un-matched.
Even China's coal power initative, which is very ineffecient compared to the likes of Didcot-A. How come they are building coal? Why not nuclear? Its a lot easyer to keep clean, with only the little problem of where to stick the waste for the next few centuries (i sugest wales, property is cheap there).
Ironically capitalisim is very good at these hippy issues, organic produce, a lot of **** as most who grow up in the countryside, not benefiting from the increased profit will tell you. But it gives YOU the power, rather more than democracy, because if YOU want to pay the increased cost of not using proper fertilizer, now you can.
Power firms are spending money themselfs on re-newable sources, because, they have this idea up their sleves, charge people an extra £500 a year for electricity that is from renewable sources... great! (i wounder how the power frims got the capital to do that?, even thou there own miss management is making this take a little while, goverment interfereance!)
Now, if its the case that these issues are genuine concern, then its upto the government to decree it, they decide that massive offshore farms are to be built, hmm such thing requires complex trades for all the parts involved.
You get the idea?
Money is not the root of all evil, only those who live for its pursuit are.