I hadn't noticed the speed decrese/increase. speed of doing things is a non-issue for me.. have you seen my pc specs in 'my system'..?...
It's to do with people having busy jobs, stress and wanting things done quickly because they don't have time to wait, thats why other people haven't done feedback - they too busy to do so....
Motto for you guys/gals: Don't rush through life you will only reach the end quicker..
What i have noticed though is the odd missing picture in the product details page.. the pictures are there on the category list page, but not when you click them to look at the individual item... theres a few in the p45 section.. like this one.. http://www.scan.co.uk/Product.aspx?WebProductId=818509
I will be happy to go through every single item and provide you a complete list, but it will have to wait till thursday before i start.. or you could get a work experience boy in to do it.. we have one at shopmob at the moment, he's very usefull..
this next bit might sound confusing, but i'll give it a go...
I'm browsing around the site looking at the monitor section.. close internet explorer 7.. load IE7 back up and type ww.scan.co.uk into addressbar.. it goes straight back to the monitor section.. I would have expected it to go back to the scan homepage..
possible cookie bug?
still does it after clearing all cookies/temp internet files..
will do more feedback after you've changed the issues other people mentioned..