I'm in the process of building myself a 'new' rig. Not new in technology terms, but new as in I don't have it built yet! I'm not a huge gamer, simply because I easily tire of most games I try. But I know that there MUST be games out there, modern games, which have a classic SOF/Delta Force/Max Payne feel!
I tried F.E.A.R., Far Cry, Ghost Recon, COD, Bioshock, COH and more, but couldn't get into any of them. They were either too repetitive or too hard! I like that 'arcade' feel, but want the uber graphics. I'm asking for some suggestions, something I'll like, and something that'll show my PS3 buddies that I'm better than they are
Will be running 3Ghz Opty and 7900GTX only, so be sure to recommend something I can run!
Thanks all, K22