oh man. I've been stitched up. think you'll all find this rather disgusting but here goes.
the guy who ran me off the road claimed that I was in the middle of the road not letting him pass intentionally, and his co-driver has backed this up [i.e. like he's going to inciminate his mate...think not.]. And once stopped the co-driver called the police - apparently - and told them 'something about to get nasty'...of course what he failed to mention is that the lorry hit me off the road and then the driver hit me but its not as if the co-driver is going to help is it?...
so, in the eyes of the law it's going to look like I'm in the wrong cause thanks to lack of witnesses on my side i can't back anything up.
WTF is wrong with this F*ing Country?!!??? why does no one bother to stop and help anyone in obvious trouble??
cause some hooligan is p*ssed off at the football he can take it out on me with his equally scummy mate? bunch of F*ers...