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Thread: The good news is no more rubbers...

  1. #65
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    yes but the company can and would argue that 36 hours is more than long enough for someone to realise that if the condom split, and they dont go to the doctors and get the morning after pill, they could become pregnant.

    the ma pill IS readily valiable (and i thank any higer being that may exist for it) from your doctor.

    when the fog comes up from the sewers and glows in the dark

  2. #66
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    Wow you've got a Degree!
    Stands back up. *Not all that bothered*
    Doesn't mean you're opinion is more valid than mine, and I'd also like to wager that in my course we went into as much depth as on your degree, bearing in mind we studied this beautiful part for an entire term.

  3. #67
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    Originally posted by shiato storm
    i'm vaguely scientific
    Lol, and I'm scientifically vague!

    Has anyone heard any sexual health organisations speaking out on this at all? My immediate thought was 'oh great, lets just give blokes free reign to go spreading STD's' Men just aren't biologically programmed to be responsible, it just doesn't enter the majority of males' heads when they think there's a chance of *ahem* 'cat'

  4. #68
    Pink & Fluffy! Elmo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Bazzlad
    Wow you've got a Degree!
    Stands back up. *Not all that bothered*
    Doesn't mean you're opinion is more valid than mine, and I'd also like to wager that in my course we went into as much depth as on your degree, bearing in mind we studied this beautiful part for an entire term.
    so... in 1 term, you did 4 years worth of studying, in depth, on fertility, genetics, reproduction and growth? nice one, congrats to ur teacher must have had his/her work cut out there!

  5. #69
    Smoke Me A Kipper! Slick's Avatar
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    I'd take it providing no side effects and use it with a condom. I've never had sex without a condom but the amount of times my g/f's been a few days 'late' and I've s**t myself is stupid.

  6. #70
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    I have this feeling that Shinito Storm didn't spend 4 years on fertility, infact I'm almost sure he didn't, and I suppose you've studied the whole thing since you were three.
    A term is a long time to spend on one topic, and unless on Shinanto or whatever is a fertility doctor (he may well be, but I doubt it) he didn't spend 4 years on it.

  7. #71
    Smoke Me A Kipper! Slick's Avatar
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    Bazzlad for a christian you've been very insulting and judgemental recently

  8. #72
    Pink & Fluffy! Elmo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Bazzlad
    I have this feeling that Shinito Storm didn't spend 4 years on fertility, infact I'm almost sure he didn't, and I suppose you've studied the whole thing since you were three.
    A term is a long time to spend on one topic, and unless on Shinanto or whatever is a fertility doctor (he may well be, but I doubt it) he didn't spend 4 years on it.
    actually, i spent most of last year, infact, ALL of last year and half of the year before studying it. Maybe at school, a term may be a long time to study something, but they dont tell you everything or go into as much detail about the subject, because teachers arent usually specialised in any 1 subject, more over a broad range in order to teach kids the basics of biology. Anyways, i have a genetics lecture, so, c yas kiddies!

  9. #73
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    Kiddies. LOL. Mrs Intelligent, with your big important lecture, I'll let you into a secret (They don't teach you A levels at school) and to say you spent all of last year on it, you aren’t too hot, I'd recommend a new teacher/lecturer, little girl.

  10. #74
    Will work for beer... nichomach's Avatar
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    Errr...Bazzlad...get off it. The double helical structure of DNA was proposed by Crick and Watson in 1953 - yes, 50 years ago - and genetics is a field of study STILL in flux, so spending a year on it doesn't seem too excessive to me. I'm afraid that one really can't equate one term studying anything at A Level with studying the same subject at university for any period.

    I wasn't aware that Sixth Forms had been completely abolished, but then I haven't required the services of one for some years now...but don't make the error of equating study at some FE college for A Levels with studying for a degree at university.

    Now, I'm not a geneticist (and have never claimed to be one) but an analagous situation would be the number of people that I've seen (and my wife, who lectures law and criminology, has seen) who have an A Level in Law and could not explain intention or recklessness to save their lives.
    Last edited by nichomach; 08-10-2003 at 11:27 AM.

  11. #75
    Photographer; for hire!! shiato storm's Avatar
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    bazzlad: well there you were bragging about doing 'a whole term on it for A level'...
    sheesh! why don't you just admit that you DON'T know the whole story - in fact you've demonstrated that your knowledge is actually rather limited. I freely admit that I don't know the complete ins and outs (forgive the pun there guys) about fertility but it appears that most have more than an ounce of intelligence with which to discuss this topis (hence 'discussion forum') without having to get at other people - like you so willingly do...

    and I'd also have to add that you do not cover naerly the same amount of information in one term of an A level (how ever good it may be) when compared to a degree. to assume something like that clearly points out that that either you wont be going to university or you're too young still to go and thus simply do not know - I'm not criticising you on that, everyone is entitled to their opinions etc. but when you don't know the bigger picture don't start mouthing off about something you clearly know very little about.
    to discuss - thats cool, thats what we're here for right? but to go off on a tireless rant - clam down yeah...lighten up

    p.s. oh, i'm sure there's probably tons of spelling mistakes in what i'v just written here, i couldn't care really, but when you're copying down someone's name thats right there in front of you GET IT RIGHT! [when you get it wrong it just shows you up as not too hot in the mentatl dept. ok ]
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  12. #76
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    Heh. I raise a topic that I think can create some decent discussion, and it’s turned into a “mine’s bigger than yours” contest. If someone would have told me that’s how things are ‘round here, I would have whipped mine out a few pages ago.

    You’ve still not answered my questions, Elmo.

  13. #77
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    Shiato Storm. I splet it wrong because you're last post was other the page and I couldn't be bothered to click back, so I tried to remember. Shianto sticks in my head for some reason, is it a type of sword?
    You'll find I didn't go to University because my band was given a deal, that's the only reason else I would have been there now, drinking.
    Nichomach, my point is this, Elmo is saying how big and smart she is doing her genetics course, but knows approximatly as much as me, who did Human Biology A level, also the argument was not about DNA but about whether the cells in the zygote were just completely blank cells waiting to be turned into an organ, or whether they are pre-definied to be an organ. The answer is no one knows 100%, but research is starting to make things look like the pre-definied answer.

    My final point is this: Once again, I'm being accused of going on a rant when I didn't start it. In an earlier post someone called me a fool, and when I replied calling him one, I got hammered for it. Before judgin the harshness of my post, please note the tone of Elmo's who is the same age, or perhaps one year older than me. I don't like being called a kid by adults, let alone students.


  14. #78
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    Bazzlad for a christian you've been very insulting and judgemental recently
    That's because I've been judged myself, frequently in ways which infuriate me, such as being looked down upon over my choice of newspapers !FFS! I like debates, I hate when they boil down to slagging off and insults-that's normally when people clock on that there is no correct answer, just an opinion....

  15. #79
    Will work for beer... nichomach's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, as I've pointed out, your A Level studies are unlikely to be anywhere NEAR as complete as degree level study, so your assumption that you know as much as Elmo is deeply flawed. As to "research", fine, go ahead, cite it - because a statement like "research has shown" without supporting evidence is little more than hot air. Now, as to shifting the focus of the debate, you were more than happy to take part in shifting the thread in the direction of abortion and then to foetal development, so I don't see that you have much cause for complaint.

    edit: I'd further note that I provided the hard numbers for deaths caused by pregnancy for which you asked, but that this was a topic upon which you became suddenly silent. Problem, Bazz?
    Last edited by nichomach; 08-10-2003 at 11:48 AM.

  16. #80
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    My A levels studies in HUMAN BIOLOGY may not be as complete as a degree in Genetics, but even with her almighty (not yet gained) Degree she doesn't and won't know the answer to that argument, the fact that researches BELIEVE it's going one way is the cloest we have, hot air is still nicer than cold air.
    The debate moved NATURALLY to foeutal development from abortion when the question of is the child a child or a ball of cells cropped up debates do this, and it is life....
    I didn't go silent when you mentioned how many people died during pregancy, the argument had moved on so I felt the pointwas not important, but nevertheless here is my POV.

    The most recent stats I could find were for the period 1997 - 1999; in that period 242 women died directly or indirectly due to pregnancy - http://www.parliament.the-stationer.../464/464w34.htm
    242 died.
    19000000 gave birth without dying.
    You do the math.

    I'm willing to bet, (but can't find the statistics) that more people over those two years died while having sex.

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