Now...that is just scary, especially the second from last one!!!
Now...that is just scary, especially the second from last one!!!
Openreach ADSL Special Faults Engineer...( I do other stuff too though!)
</naughty Agent edit>
Try it and see
You need to start a thread about it, this is way off topic for this one.
I will say though, that that^^ sentence is incorrect. The Insulation that I'm talking about is to stop condensation, and is fitted round the CPU socket, the board is coated, and the socket covered in grease - to stop condensation getting in.
Theres a few things about it on xs, but it is down for a few mins.
Well, it depends how you have set it up. Post your pics, and we will see if anything stands out.
More often than not, if it goes flakey before hitting the rated speed for the RAM, you have either...
Not set the correct voltage for the RAM
Set the timings too tight
Set a divider that isnt stable
RAM in the wrong slots - What slots are you using?
RAM Voltage is set to 2.2
Timings are 5-5-5-15 as per corsair specifications
CPU FSB is 266Mhz stock standard for the E6600 CPU.
RAM is in the A1 and B1. When the system posts on a lower RAM frequency is advises that dual channel is enabled so the Ram is in the correct slots.
Hi Clunk here are my screens, i actually got it running @ 2.7 but that was by increasing the pci lane to 110 and i think it was unstable.
I was doing some research on the board i have and apparantly its not a v good overclocker
Any help much appreciated
A few things to try.
Turn off the computer, then turn it back on (not a restart) and go into the bios and disable vanderpool technology (unless of course you need it).
Try enabling the memory remap function, this is a longshot, but worth a try, and dont forget to change it back if it doesnt work.
Looking at the last pics, it seems you havent read any of the guide!
You need to run the RAM at 1:1 to follow this guide, or you will run into problems, as you have.
DISABLE spread spectrum.
You havent even set the RAM voltage - this is mentioned aboput a dozen times throughout the guide.
At this point, I am going to have to say that you really need to take the time to read the guide, I am always happy to help, but you need to help yourself as well.
Scroll down to the first BIOS picture, and is says to set the RAM voltages in VDIMM right above that!
Openreach ADSL Special Faults Engineer...( I do other stuff too though!)
</naughty Agent edit>
Thanks, exactly what I need for the new Dell with C2D 4300 arriving next week. I'll be back on to read carefully then, but in meantime, how much time do u think I need to devote to getting this OC'ing completed, taking into a/c I've never done it before (gulp!)? Thanks again.
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