I paid £140 for 4Gb Crucial Ballistix in July, that's nearly £100 difference in 4 months. My Q6600 cost £140 at the same time, which was when it became a super bargain. That was 11 months after the release of C2D.
Now the first C2Ds were issued in July 2006, so buying the E6600 2 years ago wasn't quite at the bleeding edge, so Infinite is not comparing like with like at all. But still, his E6600 & 2Gb of RAM will have cost ~£350, while 6 months later a Q6600 and 4Gb RAM cost £280.
Now the launch for i7 is rather different than C2D, the £:$ ratio has changed dramatically, and the Q6600 price drop was dramatic, so you can't take what happened to C2D as being duplicated by i7. However you can be fairly sure that in 6 months you will get better for less, and in 12 months that will repeat itself.