TheAnimus.Missing the point, if your choosing to earn only 30k, why should you get to pay less for things like the recent example for me again of dentist? Its un-fair and against my principles to charge one person more for health care than another.
With comments like this one you are rapidly disappearing up your own butt!
Do you think people really WANT to only earn £30K?
Of course not. Some people dont get the lucky breaks, arent clever enough or simply do not come from a well off family that can afford to see them through University. You obviously fall into one of these categories.
As for your 'Education should be free' statement! That sums you up perfectly.
I cant imagine having to pay for someone like you to go through higher education and then listen to the rubbish you have been spouting on about.
Talk about double standards.
I bet most people wish they were as hard done by as you.
You views, although 1 or 2 of them valid, are archaic to say the least.
I really hope that one day you are very very poor and realise that its almopst 100% mindless, selfish and ignorant drivel you have posted.